Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Yesterday, I forgot to post about the way Ricky left a big ass bruised welt on my stomach. Well, none of the kids was able to break the piñata but we needed someone to break it because it was filled with candy. So we told Ricky to do it. Ricky is 15 but he's kinda strong cuz they always train them like that in his ROTC class. Anyway, I was trying to be funny when he was swinging and pulled the piñata away from him. Bear in mind that he was swinging really hard. When I did so, he missed the pñata but because of his momentum he ended up hitting with a metal broomstick across my stomach. DUDE! IT WAS BAD...lol.... At first it didn't hurst so bad, it was mostly the shock. As the night progressed, it began burning and stinging and turning red. By the following morning it was a big red welt and today is a big black and blue bruise that hurts like hell when I touch it. Felicia took a picture of how it looks, I will post it later.

Ok, so anyway, a girl from Brazil that wrote in my blog, along with several other people said I write too damn much. Which I'm sure I do...but I used this as therapy since when I go home the baby is usually getting into something relaxing and resting are not in our vocabulary any longer. So, instead of me writing less, I'm going to write small. That will give you, Oh! my faithful reader, the illusion that it's less. HEHEHE...that's something I learned from corporate America. Make people think you've given them something when in reality, all you've done is trick them.

And, since nothing else interesting happend today or yester (or at least I can't remember it), I stole this little questionaire from my friend Charlotte which by the way I have not heard from her in a long, long time....If you're still out there, let me know.

Age: 28 (but don't tell anyone else ok?)
Born On: September 25
Celebrity Crush: Katie Holmes (and many others, but she's the main one)
Dream Job: Artist
Erratic Behavior: Addicted to porn and fried chicken
Funniest Memory: "I triple dog dare you!"
Good Friend: Felicia
Height: 6'2"
Interesting Tidbit Nobody Knows: I am very spiritual (but NOT religious)
Job At the Momemt: Communications Specialist for GCS
Kindled Emotion Last Experienced: I have not idea how to respond to this
Love Interest: Felicia
Movie You Last Saw: Dogma (I love that movie, I've seen it a million times, really!)
Name: Javier
Outward Appearance You Are Looking For: The aged punkster...lol
Pet Peeve(s): people who are into themselves and rolie polies
Quote You Like: "There's not time to discriminate, just hate every mother fucker that's in your way" ~Rev. M. Manson
Reason for Completing Survey: I had nothing better to do, I missed two hours of work the other day and now I am trying to stay a little longer after work to make up the OT.
Song That is Your Favorite: Yeah right! I can't even pick a favorite artist or album...and you want me to pinpiont a song....anyway!
Television Show: Bullshit with Penn & Teller, Viva la Bam, Anything on CNN, Discovery and the Science channel...espcially if I'm high.
Underlying Phobia(s): death, dying...and weird colored elctrical tape (other than black)
Vison/Dream You Recently Had: that not so little white girls and not so little black girls did more than holding hands...
Weather You Like Best: Dante's inferno
Xtreme Outfit You Own: none
Zodiac Sign: Libra

Well, that's all kids...ABUR!

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