Friday, December 05, 2003

Today there were no Friday Five because the owner of the site didn't put the questions up. But, since I forgot to do the Wednesday Whatevers....They will have to do for now....

Wednesday Whatevers

1. How much do you typically spend during the holiday season?
waaay more than I can afford. I don't know...My family is used to giving out huge expensive that's over $100 a pop and there's 5 of us. Felicia's family doesn't spend much in gifts. Maybe $100-$200 for her entire family

2. What do you think is a symbol of power?
Knowledge, Responsibility and Humility...yes, in that order.

3. Do you try to analyze dreams, or regard them as just dreams?
I don't necessarily analyze, dissect or ponder too deeply about them. But, when they're really sick and twisted (which is more times than not, I rarely dream or remember what I dream about... but when I do, it probably sends me back to therapy for a few years) I do wonder if they mean anything or try to relate them to something in my life. One thing that must be mentioned though is that when I get my mini-panic attacks, I do get flashbacks of dream sequences that I've had about the place I currently am during the attack. It's weird, it's like an out of body experience of sorts. But I do know, that my flashbacks are definitely of dreams. Kinda wicked huh?

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