Friday, October 31, 2003

Yesterday I took my mom to the hospital for this exam that takes a few hours to complete. First, I would tell you that my mom doesn't speak a lick of English. So I had to take time off from work (not that I am complaining about that part) to take her and translate. Well, we didn't know exactly where we were supposed to go. Her appointment was at 11 am. Me, being the mental paraplegic that I am sometimes (well, ok, most of the time) decided to go out and drink the previous night. So, me, Serg and Gene went out to Chili's and drank for a while and then we returned home to drink some more and play Tekken 4 (I kicked their asses, BAD!!). I end up going home at around 3:30 am or so. Anyway, the following morning I barely manage to get up so I can pick up my mom by 10 am. (Interesting sidescript to that story, Gene drank as much as I did and managed to get up and be at school by 8 am. He has always been able to do shit like that, I don't know how. But I wish I could)

So the first clinic we go to is the wrong place. We went to the Myers Park Clinic and they told us we had to go to the main CMC hospital. So we went and we get there like at 11:02. We fill the paperwork and we're told to wait. I am hung over as hell and have not eaten. Due to the tests she was getting my mom was told NOT TO EAT IN 42 HOURS!!! she was starving to say the least. Anyway, they finally admit us at 1 pm...two hours after we got there. So, I have to translate for my moms and we go into the test area and we have to fill out tons of more paperwork. Finally they take her into the O.R. (although it was not an operation) and I leave them alone... Cuz I don't really much care to see my mom naked and that's what the test required. So, the doctor tells me to wait outside the door in case he needs me to translate something. A few minutes later this bitch nurse tells me to go to the waiting room. I explained, but she still kicked me out. I was like, I go.'s like a quarter til 2 and I am feeling lightheaded from he alcohol and the lack of food. So, I sit in the waiting room and there isn't shit to watch but the fucking 700 CLUB! I was ready to shoot myself after 30 seconds of that mind-numbing, spirit crushing babble....then I decide to try to read something...only religion oriented literature, Oh... Dear Satan, why are we exposed to this torture? LOL.

After 20 minutes of drilling into my skull by the most cynical spiritual-drug pusher that I have to save my soul and the soul of every heathen within arm's reach, I got up and walked back to the area where my mom was. She was no longer there. One of the nurses told me the doctor was looking for me and my mom was still sedated and resting...I have never, ever wanted to be so badly sedated in my life than that day. So, I go back to the waiting room and look for the doc. He's nowhere to be found. I walk up and down the hallway for like 15 minutes waiting for the doc. I was about to pass out so I said, screw this, I'm gonna get something to eat. So I went to the cafeteria and ate. Later I came back up and asked about my mom and they finally told me where she was. I never saw the doc and I was tired, cranky and ready to kick the shit out of one of those nurses. So, I get my moms, we get the release papers and I rush my ass to her house to drop her off and return home to get some sleep. Unfortunately, the little bean, was up and running...So I hardly got any But I guess that's what being a father is... That was my day, trippy huh? well, maybe not...but I had to write something today in my Blog.

The day off was nice though, even if I really didn't get to enjoy it. Tonight I am gonna go out with some friends. Hopefully the night will be interesting.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

I was reading my own post. Man, I sounds like a little bitch whinnying about nothing...but, anyway, if you wanna read about more little bitches whinnying about corporate America as if they stand a chance battling this brobdingnagian masterpiece of capitalism, visit this site. Some of the stories are hilarious.

yes, click on the angry face to go to the website, NOOCH!

You know, I never knew how much of a nightmare it could be to deal with a Cable or Internet provider company's customer service. When I used to work for Time Warner Cable I would always place blame on the customer's idiocy or lack of education. In some cases, I would blame it on the customer's arrogance and wealth, claiming they are rich bastards who believe the world should bend over every time they get a Viagra induced erection (well, to be honest, I still believe that). I would blame all the stress and the fact that the job sucked on the customers. Don't get me wrong, most of them are still fucking assholes. But I realized that it's not the customers. It's the fucking company that doesn't give a fuck. Your average CSR is not that bad. They try to help you, whether they do it nicely or because they have no other choice. You, being the sensitive prick that you are, will probably have an I'm the customer I'm always right fit if they don't have the right tone of voice when they can't help you. Of course, there's always the fucking asshole customer service rep. But, for the most part, they are being monitored and they suck it up.

Well, today, I spent well over 30 minutes on the phone with Earthlink because they suck. LOL...that was the I'm the customer, I'm always right part of me speaking. Earthlink, for some reason, does its broadband customer's billing through Time Warner Cable because TWC owns the whole fucking planet!. So, back in late July or so, I got an Earthlink account which TWC will bill me for. Bear in mind the thing has never worked properly, but that's a whole different tirade all unto itself. So, I noticed that I have never really been able to access my Earthlink e-mail account but I didn't really care cuz I already had my work and yahoo e-mail accounts and my internet worked (from time to time at least). So months go by and I still can't access the darn thing. I'm like screw this, an extra email account won't hurt and I'm paying for it anyway. So I contacted them via the online technical chat thing. Man, that thing is a freaking robot or something because her line of questioning was very scripted and she was confused when I posed two questions in the same line. Then when I asked her at the end of our pseudo conversation, cuz she couldn't help me if she was a person or an automated response she said "I'm and Earthlink representative"...I was like, FUCK YOU!

So, I get on the phone and call them. The first guy tells me I disconnected the account back in August 22 and he had to transfer me somewhere. The second girl is like, "I can't help you because you disconnected the account". I'm getting pissed cuz I never disconnected my account. It has been working all this time. So, she transfers me to another girl. The other girl is trying like hell to help me. But she's like, you disconnected your account. I told her I didn't she gets on the phone with someone else and tells me they have to transfer me to someone else!!!! I'm like, fine...So, I get transferred to another girl and she again, is trying like hell to help me. This girl had me do everything to my computer except lick the screen. So, we go to some high tech guy and he said I had to wipe out all my info and do another installation. So, I get tranferred again to another guy who reinstalls my service and starts my account all over. I am not about to tell this guy I already have it installed and TWC is already sending me bills. So, I agreed and they put me on another special...or something..I'm just going to let it go and as long as my internet is working, I'm going to let them do whatever they want.


Anyway, my point was that most of these people were nice and friendly. The one or two that I talked to that weren't were still trying to help me. Some of them sounded extremely rude on the phone but again, they still helped me. I don't know, maybe I'm looking at CSRs the wrong way. I mean, they are stuck in a meaningless job and most of them are not little kids in high school or college. They are older people that have no future or ambition or think this is the high life becuase they barely finished High School or have a GED. They know they're stuck there and are probably bitter about it. You and I, oh faithful reader, have (hopefully) more ambition and hence expect to be treated the same way we would treat somebody right? but the operating word here being expect. Just because we expect people to be nice, even if they are at work and getting paid for it, they don't have to be. Just imagene the amount of times the asshole, clueless, overpromoted and uneducated so called supervisors bust their balls due to the amount of calls taken, amount of calls dropped, amount of calls you took, amount of calls you hung up on, amount of calls this, amount of calls that....FUCK! It will drive anybody insane. Then they bust their balls about how long it took them to finish the call, how they sounded, which "key" words and pharses they used. Not to mention, the always loveable and huggable asshole customer who has no clue what common sense means and wants their shit solved immediately. I mean, if you think your job is stressful, try living in one of these poor bastard's shoes for one day. They're just trying to make a living without going insane, that field of work is extremely stressful and changes your demeanor in a matter of 2 or 3 years. I should know, I was becoming a horrible person near my 3rd year of working for TWC. I was so unhappy and it reflected vividly.

Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest.

Sunday, October 26, 2003

So Shelly (Chelita), the girl who makes movies, tells me today that in the shot she needs the baby for she has to place my 10 month old treasure ON A RAILROAD TRACK!!! On a fucking railroad track!!!!!!!.

Anyway, I told her I didn't think Felicia would go for it. So now she wants to speak with her directly. Felicia is not gonna let her...LOL

I spent most of the weekend with my wife and baby. We went to the mall and hung out all of Saturday and Sun. I got a haircut today. My hair sucks. I have really coarse and matted hair. So all I can do is either grow it long...or have it really short and looking like a wetback (if you don't like the word substitute it for short little Mexican construction worker guy). So this girl, Heather from Toni & Guy pretty much gave me a good do'. I will post a before and after pic big difference...but it's a little better.

I guess that's all....have a good night ya'll

Saturday, October 25, 2003

So, another pointless update, I'm drunk....

watching old late 80's and early 90's skateboarding videos.....

Friday, October 24, 2003

Captain Log's suplemental, stardate....ummm...Friday.

Man, I love my wife. But she can piss me off sometimes. I'm sure I piss her off on a regular basis too, but that's besides the point. This is my blog and I will bitch about what bothers me. Deal with it!...LOL But, fortunately we love each other and those little things don't bother us for too long. I am not really going into details of what happened. Today is Friday, I have no plans....I'm such a loser....

Anyway, nothing intersting happened today (as if it ever does). So I gues that's it.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Today they canned a poor sap from work. Nobody really knows what the hell is going on but he was a fairly new guy. His name is Anthony. This dude had been with the company, month including the training period. Anyway, today, Sandra, our manager walks to his desks and tells him to go in the office. Then this other administrative assistant dude grabs a box and starts packing all of Anthony's shit!!! Just like front of all of us...we were like OH SHIT! So anyway...Later rumors starter flying of course. The admin guy told us it was because he was too rude to a caller. Well, I don't buy that cuz my friend James was told a few days ago a caller reported him and he didn't even get a write that wasn't it. Anthony was like as gay as they come...literally... so Takesha said someone mentioned discrimination....I don't know...I don't buy that. So, he must have done something bad to get fired like that. No warning. No write up... just bam! get the fuck out. That's messed up. So, now everyone is running around like headless chickens trying not to get fired. LOL. That was funny.

I got my first paycheck today under the new company that we became. Global Compliance was more than I expected (but I'm not telling you how much). so hopefully that's a good sign. here's a link to them if you care... G.C.S.

So my friend Shelly (or Chelita if you wanna use her Mexican alter ego) makes movies. She asked me tonight if she could use my baby in one of her auditions. I think that would be cool. I don't know how Felicia will feel about it. I think it would be kinda cool.

Here are some pics of my bean

Is she the next J-Lo or what??

if you want to see a bunch of our pics visit MSN Pics or Yahoo Pics.

Well, I guess that's all for today kiddies. See ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Well, took me long enough. I know I haven't updated this in over two weeks now and really, it's been purely out of laziness. So many things have happened since I last updated this. I probably wont remember half of the stuff. Well, things at the home front are looking good. Married life is good and my baby is growing fast. She has the two bottom teeth halfway out and can almost walk. She will be one year in December 5. I also have another on the way (we kinda got carried away with the wild monkey dance after Fabianna was born...hehe) due in mid February. I am so happy. We still haven't come up with a name. Me and Felicia can't decide on what we want. We know is a girl...but we still can't decide. So if anyone out there has any cool names for girls, e-mail me or leave me a shout out.

So, last weekend I went out bowling with my friend Dina and my moms. My punk ass brother Sergio and friend Eugene punked out like little bitches at the last minute. They always do shit like that. Serg has no fucking social life thanks to that game SOCOM: US Navy Seals. The game is pretty kick ass, but it has completely engulfed his existence. Anyway, he is happy with a XX beer and playing his fucking game all night long. Eugene is quite the misanthrope and looks for any excuse not to go out. So he say Serg at home and was too lazy to come bowling with us. My little bro Ricky pissed me off and i told him off so he threw a tantrum didn't wanna go. And my other friend Khali was nowhere to be found. So out of the big group that was going only three of us ended up at the bowling alley. But it was cool, we still had shitloads of fun. I kicked ass by the way! LOL.

Things at work have been cool. The new corporate reconstruction shit has actually been working to our benefit. So, I have no complaints. I have been putting overtime like crazy though. I spend more time in the office than with my wife and baby. But that will end soon, Xmas is around the corner and we need the money anyhow. I made a new friend at work...LOL... her name is Takesha...she's cool.

I haven't been keeping up with Sharmeen's soap opera. She's pretty much distance and we've outcasted her out of our lives without even realizing it. She spends her time with that guy. My moms says she sees the dude with the kids and the little girl in the park sometimes... sometimes I hope he really is reformed and will take care of her and the kids. But, how knows. I was supposed to go to Mexico cuz one of my childhood friends is getting married. But we decided not to because it would be too expensive. So I guess I'll just send him something FedEx that day.

I guess that's it for now, like I said...I probably am forgetting half the stuff that really happened. But I guess that's what 6 years of heavy drug using does to your brain...hehehe... Well, I will keep my blog updated regularly....see ya soon kids.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

This weekend was cool, my aunt Laura sent a bottle of tequila from Mexico for my b-day (although I don't drink tequila, I'm a beer man). Anyway, my brother had the bright idea of making "palomazos" which are just tequila with grapefruit soda and salt. By the fourth or fifth one I was soooo nauseated I stopeed drinking. I was not nauseated cuz I was drunk, actually, it didn't even get me buzzed. But so much freaking grapefruit soda just made me plain sick. So, that part we still have enough tequila to get a bunch of shots.

Sunday was cool, me, Felicia, Ricky and my moms went to the annual Latin American Festival at the Mint Museum of Art. It was pretty cool. The music was your typical crappy staple latin music. But everything else was pretty decent. We saw stuff from all the Latin American countries and ate some pretty decen Latin cuisine. It was pretty cool.

Nothing else happened since. work, work, work work, work,, work, work, work.....

Thursday, October 02, 2003

I've been looking at other blogs and journals. I want to make mine look cooler and more interesting. I am trying out different templates and stuff on a test blog that I have. Hopefully something cool will come out of it.

Nothing new today, we still have phone problems at work today. I have to work until 10:30 pm to get some OT. I found out Sharmeen has a new car. It's a hooptie..hehe...but at least now she has a ride.

I haven't been able to talk to my friend Charlotte in a while (and the hellstorm I dragged her into...hehe..sorry Char). Felicia and I are doing very, very well. It's slow as hell at work, I am sitting here with nothing to do so I just decided to write something here.

Well, I hope that this weekend is cool. Anybody out there have any ideas for something cool, fun and wholesome a young couple can do here in Charlotte? Going to the movies is out, adventists don't go to the movies (don't ask, I don't know really why either). Well, any ideas are more than welcomed and appreciated.

Well, I will keep surfing the net on company time and twiddle my thumbs cuz I'm getting paid to do nothing. HEHE....

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Today was cool at work. Apparently AT&T damaged some line which caused our Symposyum phone system to crash for hours. We "was chillin', yo" Like my friend Vince said. We did nothing but sit and talk for hours. And we got paid for it too!! Capitalism kicks ass.....

Anyway, my internet provider (Earthlink) has been giving me problems since I installed it. I have a broadband connection throgh Earthlink but the crappy modem resets itself every 10-15 minutes. It's annoying, when I had RoadRunner I didn't have this problem. I have called them but I keep missing the appointment...hehehe...I used to work for Time Warner, who is the one who provides all the broadband services here in the Charlotte area, so I know how they work. But I will call them back when I have time I guess.

So, I guess this is where I should tell you that I am going to be a daddy again!!!! I am sooo happy. Felicia is pregnant again and we are going to have our second (and LAST) child. We were supposed to get the ultrasound today but I am having problems with my insurance carried. Today our new carrier for my job kicks in and we drop CIGNA, our old carrier. We have not received our cards and the idiot receptionist at the OB clinic didn't know if they accepted Humana, which is our new carrier. So, Felicia got aggravated and cancelled the appointment. We will not find out what the new baby will be until later. When we do, I will post some pics. For now, check out me and my little family...hehehe....

My lovely family

well, nothing else to report for now.