Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Ok, so...Felicia's grandmother cooks a big Thanksgiving feast every year. I'm talking about the type you see in the movies. The big ass turkey and all the greens, mac and cheese casserole, yams, cranberry sauce and all the other soul food fixin's you can think of. Man, it is awesome! You're like in Thanksgiving heaven! Anyway, on Tuesday the 25th, Felicia's dad sends her an e-mail telling her that her grandmother didn't feel like cooking this year and the dinner was cancelled.
ON THE 25TH!!!
THERE WILL BE NO DINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, so aside from the tastebud devastation, we had to scramble to figure out what the fuck to do that day. Sharmeen, her three kids, Felicia, I and the bean didn't have a clue. Sharmeen and Felicia were kinda pissed cuz if their grandmother would have told them with enough time they could have cooked a Thanksgiving dinner themselves. Shirley, their mom, doesn't cook a big feast and my family doesn't celebrate it...cuz we're Mexicans...not Pilgrims. Anyway, so, we couldn't find anything to do...so that day we ended up at Ruby Tuesday's for Thanksgiving dinner with my family because nothing else was open. It wasn't too bad though...we had fun.

Anyway, that was not the drama...this is where the drama starts. Apparently, Felicia's granmother did cook a smaller meal but didn't invite anybody but Ivan, the older brother. For some reason, Sharmeen and the three kids ended up showing up at her grandmother's house anyway on Thanksgiving day . Well, instead of them inviting her to sit down and eat, if not for anything else but common courtesy, they told her she could drop off the kids and come back later when they were done eating to pick them up.... Talk about slap in the fucking face huh? what am I saying slap for? that was more of a slap with a huge prickly cactus leaf! LOL

Anyway, that created a lot of drama and rumors started flying about their real motives not to invite us and shit. Sharmeen did not leave the kids but did return to her mom's house and Shirley said Sharmeen looked sad and devastated. SHIT! Who wouldn't after your grandmother and your dad practically (but, OH!, so diplomatically) kicked you out of their house. Anyway, so obviously that shit got around to Sharmeen and Felicia's mother and their other grandmother who didn't like it one bit. So, it created a lot of tension between the two sides and shit. Well, that was our Thankgiving day. I am kinda glad that we spent it with my family cuz we could just relax.

Ok, other stuff happened. But I am too lazy to write it and it happened during the weekend so I guess it doesn't even matter anymmore. So....fast forward....

Today I had a bit of a panic attack, but nothing major...It just kinda crept up on me at work.

The bean's Birthday is coming up on December 5. We had originally planned to throw a big party for her but when we made the list of guests, it ended up being almost 50 people. We decided that we probably couldn't afford to feed all those people so we opted to just have a small gathering. She's only one anyway, how many of you remember anything before you were 5 anyway?! LOL. Anyway, we started buying little pink plates and decorations last week. We don't have a specific theme (again cuz like all of you, she won't be able to remember anyway..LOL) They just have girly decoration with a big #1 on them. We are going to hold the party at my house. Me might grill some burger and hot dogs for the kids and some potato, chicken or tuna salad and stuff for the adults. She is half Mexican so we have to get a piñata...LOL...Felicia wants to get her either a Barbie Princess or Dora the Explorer piñata. I kinda don't care....she would like either I guess. I am so psyched. She began walking by herself a couple of days ago. She looks sooooo cute. I am trying to see if there is a way for me to upload some of the video I have taken and post it here. We are throwing the party on Sunday the 7th.

My company is having the Xmas party on Friday the 5th. None of the people I know from work are going. But Me and Felicia are...I have to go get a new tie tonight after work and Felicia has to get a pregnant night gown before Friday.... Hopefully it will be cool....the party, not the dress. Also, me and James (my coworker) are planning on getting a translator certification through the Charlotte/Mecklenburg court system so we can beggin making some dough translating for non-English speaking people who have to go to court. Eventually, we want to open our own translation and interpretation business. I would give you more details, but the way we want it different than what you're thinking of and we don't want our idea stolen...hehehe...

well, I guess that's all for today. I will see ya later.

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