Sunday, December 21, 2003

Wow...Sunday and I am at work. I have been here since 9:17 am. I should have arrived at 9 am, but it was inhumanly impossible for me to get out of bed this morning. LOL. I don't even remember the last time I worked on a Sunday much less the last time I woke up before 11 am on a Sunday...haha. Well, but hopefully it will be worth it cuz not only will I get OT pay for working half of Khali's shift. But, since I worked for Khali today, she will work for me the day after Xmas. Which means next week I will only work Monday and Tuesday and have the next five days off from Thursday to Sunday. FIVE DAYS!!! HOOOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooo freaking sleepy though. I can barely keep my eyes open and concentrate on what I am doing. Fortunately is really slow and I have time to day dream and space out for long periods of time....LOL.

Yesterday me and Felicia completed most of our Xmas shopping. We still haven't totaled the damage but I think we did pretty good in budgeting ourselves. Today, she will finish shopping for the rest of the family and two family friends that we just learned are also coming to our house on Xmas. I get out of here at 3 pm so hopefully by then she will be finished cuz I don't feel like dealing with stores today.

Today I read my friend Charlotte's last post on her blog. She said she's happy with her life and does not need to vent out her frustration or allowing every yahoo on the internet to see her problems online. I am happy that she is happy but it sucks she won't update her journal anymore. We haven't talked in months but someone I don't think that's coincidence. Well, if you read this and we never speak again, It was a pleasure meeting you Char! (Well, "meeting" in the online sense, lol)

I guess that's it for right now, I was browsing other blogs and I found this great picture in one of them. I will link it for now and then I will upload it to my own server. (So the owner of the blog:Please don't get pissed at me!).

Funny, isn't it?