Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Ok, I think I finally got my blog kinda back in track. I hope this time I don't screw up the HTML. Anyway, what do you think of the nice naked mermaid... HELLS YEAH!!!!!

Anyway, this past weekend sucked, Fabianna was sick all weekend long. She got up to 101.9 F temperature. She was very weak and barely awake throughout the weekend. She looked terrible. We had to pump her full of Pedialyte and Tylenol for Kids. When we called the nurse cuz me, my mom, Felicia's mom and just about everyone else I know thought that 101.9 could bring serious consequences when she came off of it, the nurse told us not to take her to the hospital until she reached 105.8!!! A HUNDRED AND FIVE POINT FUCKING EIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! She'd be fucking dead by then! But hey, I guess she's the nurse so we had to bite the bullet and since she never got that high we didn't take her. By Monday she was doing better but up until today she's still a little ill. I think Felicia caught whatever Fabi had cuz now she's feeling weak and nauseous all the time. Well, hopefully she won't.

Work has been slow, but fortunately I have been training in other areas of the office so I can move up... like the Jeffersons. Larissa is doing good too, she never lets us sleep but I guess we already knew that was gonna happen. Felicia has been arduously trying to get a part time job because, well because we need more fucking money... hehe. All in all, things are good right now...

Now, to the sour part of the entry. I guess I have lost another friend... that makes two in less than 6 months. I have never had these type of problems with friends before, but I guess there's always a first (and second) time for everything. One thing, in case said former friend is reading this, is that I won't discuss the problem here. Nor in person or email. As a matter of fact, I don't think I want to deal with it right now because I have enough shit going on in my life to deal with someone else's. That's how I ended up in this mess and losing a friend to begin with. Fine, my bad... now I have to live with it but you have to admit that what YOU did was FUCKED UP!. But, the only two things I will mention is that I was obviously lied to by either one of you. I don't know who, but I have been given two completely different sides. One side is, he calls me on a regular basis and the other side is get her the fuck off me. Two, and pay attention... THIS IS MY FUCKING BLOG!!!! MINE!!! ALL MINE! 100%, COMPLETELY, UTTERLY, ENTIRELY M-I-N-E!!!!

I know it's bullshit, and self center and all the other merits that make someone earn "the asshole award", but hey... I AM A FUCKING ASSHOLE, you already knew that! Shit, everything that I've written are things that has been told to me by either one of the two people involved (as if that's gonna mask their identities). At least when you told me something I didn't run to someone else and spilled my guts. I kept it between you and I.....

OH, and by the way, as of March 31, 2004, at 2 pm... He still "didn't remember if he had taken you out to lunch on the 16th or not"...... just an FYI as you like to say!

Shit, I guess I did discuss some of this situation in this blog... I got carried away... hehehe.

Well, here are the Wednesday Whatevers.

1. What noise bothers you the most?
Sucky music I.E. Barbara Streisand, DMX, P. Diddy, Emo, etc.

2. Which emotions seem to take the best of you?
Anger, hate, rancor... but then Felicia and the babies com along and love takes the best of me.... aaawww, I should be writing gay-ass Hallmark's cards.

3. What do you take pride in the most?
My daughter and the fact that I have a job that demands a degree and I didn't finish college... hehehe

Monday, March 29, 2004

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my fucking blog. When I tried to link for a band called Staples from Brazil it messed up my HTML in my template. Now, I can only see the last post of the month and I have no fucking idea whatn happened to my previous posts. I know that if I go under the archives it's the same for every month. I do not know enough about HTML to figure out what the fucking problem is... I might change the template and start all over... I have about an hour and a half at work so I will see if I can fixt it.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

So yesterday I came in to work to find out that my cell... umm, I mean cubicle was occupied by Greg (some other guy at work). A few minutes later I noticed that, although all my stuff is still in my cubicle the nameplate says Greg. I look at Greg's normal cubicle and it has my name on it. I ask my super and sure enough, I'd been moved. LOL. I don't mind though. I mean if given a choice I wouldn't have moved but doesn't really make a difference. I think they moved me cuz me and James talked too much... hehehe. But the thing is that in my old row (of cubicles) I didn't really talk that much. Most of the people are pretty quiet. In my new row they're much more talkative and they like to play around. I guess that defeated the purpose of me changing seats... LOL. Anyway, work has been slow lately so it's not a big deal I guess.

Felicia had an interview today for a part time receptionist job. My baby was sooooo nervous. She has been out of the work force for almost two years now since before Fabianna was born in 2002. I know she's gonna get it because she doesn't like sitting around the house doing nothing. Hopefully everything will turn out great.

A little while ago my mom had a sleep study. I bitched about being signed up to spend the night in the sleep clinic with her. Anyway, she was diagnosed with a little something called Sleep Apnea. I have never heard of it but here's what I uncovered from American Sleep Apnea Association.

"The Greek word "apnea" literally means "without breath." There are three types of apnea: obstructive, central, and mixed; of the three, obstructive is the most common. Despite the difference in the root cause of each type, in all three, people with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes hundreds of times during the night and often for a minute or longer.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused by a blockage of the airway, usually when the soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses and closes during sleep. In central sleep apnea, the airway is not blocked but the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe. Mixed apnea, as the name implies, is a combination of the two. With each apnea event, the brain briefly arouses people with sleep apnea in order for them to resume breathing, but consequently sleep is extremely fragmented and of poor quality.

Sleep apnea is very common, as common as adult diabetes, and affects more than twelve million Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health. Risk factors include being male, overweight, and over the age of forty, but sleep apnea can strike anyone at any age, even children. Yet still because of the lack of awareness by the public and healthcare professionals, the vast majority remain undiagnosed and therefore untreated, despite the fact that this serious disorder can have significant consequences.

Untreated, sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure and other cardiovascular disease, memory problems, weight gain, impotency, and headaches. Moreover, untreated sleep apnea may be responsible for job impairment and motor vehicle crashes. Fortunately, sleep apnea can be diagnosed and treated. Several treatment options exist, and research into additional options continues."

My mom had been constantly complaining of waking up exhausted and without the will to get out of bed. So they found out that she wakes up or goes through 21 apnias per hour! Her brain jolts her every 3 minutes when she's trying to sleep cuz she stops breathing. Well, I think I am gonna do the same study because I feel the same way in the morning and throughout the day. I wake up fatigued as if I had not slept in days. But, as opposed to my mom, I have two other factors to take into consideration before I take the sleep study which may be causing this problem as well. So now I have to determine if the way I feel is because I have hypothyroidism, insomnia or now this newly discovered condition. I have had problems sleeping since I was a young little boy... hehe. Now, with the girls up all night I have been able to just pass out due to exhaustion but it's not a good feeling the following morning either. Hopefully I will get my health back in track here soon. Felicia is planning on beginning to work out soon so I will start with her.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Saturday we celebrated Serg's 26th B-day. We spent the entire day making tamales and other stuff for the party. Around 8 pm people starting arriving and all hell broke loose!!! LOL. We were up until 5:30 am partying away. Well, most of us were... the party boy went to sleep at around 3 am cuz he's a wuss. hehehehehe. It was great, everybody was completely wasted though...

The whole Dina and James episode has began tu turn very ugly. Last night, in a drunken daze I guess, me, Serg and Dina began discussing Dina's clingingess to the guys she dates. It first started with Eugene and it took him about 2 years to get rid of her... and he never was his girlfriend! Now with James it's happening all over again. Last night I told her to let it fucking go, that he changed his number because of her, that he doesn't want to talk to her and went as far as to finally say... "DUDE! he just wanted to FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!" LOL. I know it's mean and awful but this woman does not take subtle hints at all. She goes and tells James all this immediately after he walked in to the party. Albeit, she knows it's all true because it's not the first time we'd had this conversation. I had already told her all this once before IN FRONT OF JAMES!. I guess she thought I was joking back then, huh? But James is cool, it's cool with him as long as I get her as far away as possible from him. Today I am gonna have to tell her off cuz I trusted her not to tell him. I guess she will try to hold on to anybody who pays attention to her regardless of how nasty and rude that person or I will get about the situation. Let's hope this will be the end of it cuz James is now gonna say that everything I said is pretty much the truth... heheheh.... OH man, the tangled webs we weave my friends.... lol

Sunday went by without any incident. Today I am stuck at work. Well, I guess that's all.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Parenthood can expose you to the most severe and painful tests. It can test your emotional threshold, it can test your ability to stay awake for several days on one or two hours of sleep, it can make you prove to yourself how much of a real man you will be for the rest of your life, it can test your ability to be a role model, it can test your patience, your kindness, selfishness and all of those good things that I was brainwashed with in church. I think, for the most part, I have been able to withstand and pass with a high score all of these tests and others that I've forgotten to mention. I am, in no way claiming to be a perfect father... I mean, I had a peasant, greaser Elvis loving father and a socialite, hip, upscale, Beatles loving mother.... it was a weird mix... but a good one. Now, Fabianna and Larissa have to grow up with a Mexican, agnostic (Albeit, I DO believe in a God), rock loving, nonchalant father and a Black (she hates the term African-American), 7th day Adventist, country and R&B loving, conservative mother. Those girls are going to grow up to be two confused little teenagers... LOL. (I.E. questions they will have to us. To Felicia "Mommy, is Daddy evil because he doesn't go to church or believe in Christ?" and to me "Daddy, is Mommy evil because she listens to Barbara Streisand?". Imagine the dilemma we're going to be caught in... LOL!

Anyway, I got sidetracked again, this morning I think I failed my patience test with Fabianna. This morning I started playing The Devil's Own because I didn't finish watching it last night before I went to sleep. I only had so much time to watch it cuz I woke up late and I had to come to work. Felicia, being the loving wife that she is, cooked me some eggs, toast and other goodies. I sat in the living room cuz I was watching the movie to eat my breakfast. Oh, and bear in mind that Fabi had already ate a whole big ass slice of cheese pizza minutes before this happened. I took one little bite off my eggs and my toast when I saw Fabi grab the salt shaker and dump it all over my food! It was like in slow motion, dude! I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo.................... and then my face just made this look kinda like when you want to fart in public but you don't want anybody to hear you....

I was PISSED! I got up and yelled at her... I told her that she never listens, and that she was a bad and spoiled little girl. I raised my voice and looked at her mean (if that makes sense). I think she immediately noticed that I was really, really mad and I think she knew I was really mad at her. She looked at me and twisted her face but I could see a little fear in her eyes. She looked at me like she had never looked at me before and she just stared.... puzzled. As if she didn't know how to react. Usually when I get mad at her she I don't let her know or I play with her. But today I snapped... I don't know why. Then I walked in our bedroom and she kept following me everywhere... I was still mad and kept telling her to go with her mother but she wouldn't move... she just kept starting at me while I kept ranting and raving how we can never even get through one meal without her doing something. Waving my arms in the air and grabbing my clothes to get in the shower... until Felicia came and got her....

I can still feel her eyes on me and that almost scared puzzled stare.

Does that make me a bad father? Does it mean that I am still a selfish person? Does it mean I am not her role model anymore? I understand and give in to the fact that, more than likely in her teens her role model will be whomever replaces Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, the Bling Bling culture or the gay preppy boy rock bands. I understand that I will eventually not be young, radical, cool or hip enough to hang out with her or even be looked up to in the same way you people look up to P. Diddy or Jay-Z or whatever their fucking real names are. But not right now... Why did I react like that? Were my fucking eggs THAT fucking good?! Was I starving? No.. none of these things... I just wanted to be comfortable... that's it... I blew up on my daughter because I wanted to eat comfortably... Ain't that some fucked up shit? isn't that the most immature thing you've heard? How the fuck do I get upset at my 1 year old daughter cuz she poured salt on my food? I don't know how to feel... I don't know what to do. I feel bad... I feel selfish and I feel that I failed her this morning. I know she wont even remember by the time I see her again tonight... but I will. I will for a long time because I can still see her eyes looking at me in that way. When I told all this to somebody at work they told me "Nobody said it was going to be easy"... who the fuck came up with responses like that????? That is the weakest attempt to console somebody... So I told her, "Yeah... but nobody told me it was going to be excrutiatingly painful either"

Sorry, I had to get that out of my chest..........................................

Friday Five...

If you...

1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
I would fuse my mom's and grandmother's recipes with Felicia's mom's and grandmother's and create the first Mexican/Soul Food joint.

2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?
I would open a head shop

3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be?
A serial novel like Patrick McCabe's Mondo Desperado

4. ...ran a school, what would you teach?
Sex Ed... Hell Yeah! It would be and all girl reform school too!

5. ...recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?

Stolen (of course) from Char's blog who stole it from someone else who apparently does the best quizzes/lists.

The top 100 movies of all time (bold the ones you've seen and strike out the ones you hate) ,i>I don't agree with the list entirely, but it will have to do:

1. Gone With the Wind (1939)
2. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
3. The Sound of Music (1965)
4. E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
5. The Ten Commandments (1956)
6. Titanic (1997)
7. Jaws (1975)
8. Doctor Zhivago (1965)
9. The Exorcist (1973)
10. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
11. 101 Dalmatians (1961)
12. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
13. Ben-Hur (1959)
14. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
15. The Sting (1973)
16. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
17. Jurassic Park (1993)
18. The Graduate (1967)
19. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
20. Fantasia (1940)
21. The Godfather (1972)
22. Forrest Gump (1994)
23. Mary Poppins (1964)
24. The Lion King (1994)
25. Grease (1978)
26. Thunderball (1965)
27. The Jungle Book (1967)
28. Sleeping Beauty (1959)
29. Ghostbusters (1984)
30. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
31. Bambi (1942)
32. Independence Day (1996) (I can't stand Will Smith and his dumb pseudo acting)
33. Love Story (1970)
34. Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
35. Spider-Man (2002)
36. Home Alone (1990)
37. Pinocchio (1940)
38. Cleopatra (1963)
39. Goldfinger (1964)
40. Airport (1970)
41. American Graffiti (1973)
42. The Robe (1953)
43. Around the World in 80 Days (1956)
44. Blazing Saddles (1974)
45. Batman (1989)
46. The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
47. The Towering Inferno (1974)
48. National Lampoon's Animal House (1978) (THE BEST!)
49. The Greatest Show on Earth (1952)
50. My Fair Lady (1964)
51. Let's Make Love (1960)
52. Back to the Future (1985) (McFly, MCFLY!!!)
53. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
54. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
55. Superman (1978)
56. Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
57. The Sixth Sense (1999)
58. Finding Nemo (2003)
59. Tootsie (1982)
60. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
61. West Side Story (1961)
62. Lady and the Tramp (1955)
63. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977/1980)
64. Twister (1996)
65. Rocky (1976)
66. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
67. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
68. The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
69. Men in Black (1997)
70. The Bridge On The River Kwai (1957)
71. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
72. Swiss Family Robinson (1960)
73. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
74. M*A*S*H (1970)
75. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
76. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) (Better than Ep.1)
77. Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
78. Aladdin (1992) (THIS ONE ROCKS!)
79. Ghost (1990)
80. Duel in the Sun (1946)
81. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
82. House of Wax (1953)
83. Rear Window (1954)
84. The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
85. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
86. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
87. Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
88. Sergeant York (1941)
89. Toy Story 2 (1999)
90. Top Gun (1986)
91. Shrek (2001)
92. "Crocodile" Dundee (1986)
93. The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
94. Saving Private Ryan (1998) (PERFECT IN EVERY WAY)
95. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921)
96. Young Frankenstein (1974)
97. Peter Pan (1953)
98. Gremlins (1984)
99. Monsters, Inc. (2001)
100. Funny Girl (1968) (Barbara Streisand is SATAN!)

*Note- Just because I bolded it and I've seen it doesn't mean I like it but I don't necessarly hate it like the one's I stricked out.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

We've been kicking some ideas around the office to attract more people to this site. Especially, 18 year old Korean girls **nudge, nudge, Woody** LOL... And through several corporate decisions and through several board of director meetings and an unimaginably huge wave of memos we've decided to change the format to attract.... Sweet soft porn intro music please, maestro 18 year old Korean girls... (preferably redheads). Anyway, I was waaaaaaay too bored at work. I decided to change the side bar in my page cuz I don't update the "Daily Pic" thing daily... hehe. So, instead, now that I have BearShare, I will put a band that I have recently discovered and got hooked on. Since the hay days of Napster I've found great music from abroad and have become highly addicted to obscure all girl punk bands from Japan, Brazil and Spain. I've also found bands with all or some transexual members. I've found all types of weird music and my, mostly stolen, collection of burnt CD's is larger than I ever though.

Some of the bands I've discovered through the past few years are:

Lolita No.18
(Masayo, the lead singer's nasal vocals are like that of Cypress Hill's B-Real, but in punk and from a girl, lol)
Thug Murder
(No, they're not a gangsta rap group, they're punk...)
Mummy the Peepshow

Las Ultrasonicas
(Ok, they covered "I just wanna be your dog" in Spanish and they have a song called "Cum in my Mouth", enough said!)
Bye Sami
Desobediencia Civil
Guerra de ideaZ

(Pure Hardfuckingcore!!!)

(Pop Punk actually, but REALLY good pop punk)
Kaos Klitoriano

Las Vulpes
Liposo +pa tu Jeto
Berlin 80
Polikarpa y sus Viciosas
Ultimo Resorte

U.S. of A.
The Bellrays
(The Bellrays have become one of my favorite bands. I'm addicted to them)
(Once you get passed the gore and pseudo-shock value gimmick, their music is really good)

Actitude Maria Marta
(This girls can flow... Chilean Hip Hop, it's not as bad as you might think)

Hang on the Box

Nonstop Body

Penadas por la Ley
Migra Violenta

As you can see, most of them are from either Spanish speaking countries or Asian countries. I don't think I purposely did this but I realized it when I was typing this. I have a think for Asian chicks I guess... LOL. J/K. Anyway, these are SOME of the bands I've discovered while stealing music from the Internet. Like I said, I will change the band on the sidebar each time I find something I really, really like that I've never heard before. If anybody has similar music out there I would love to hear about it. Anyway, I guess I'm tired of typing after all that crap... later.

Well, today is Serg's 26th birthday. It is also Dina's birthday but I have no clue how old she is. Anyway, it fell on a weekday so we probably won't be able to do anything since he has to be at work early tomorrow morning. He has been absent from work so much too that he was not able to take the day off... LOL. He was mad. So hopefully this weekend we'll get to celebrate or something.

Fabianna seems to be ok now. I guess the evil eye effect wore off... lol. By the time I got home at 9 last night she was already asleep. That was good, me and Felicia are very, very relieved when she goes to sleep cuz we get peace and quiet... LOL. Well, now Larissa is starting up but we can deal with her cuz she's less than a month old.

Sitting at work right now... it's kinda busy but I am only routing calls so I don't have to type any reports. That is always good... makes the job that much easier... LOL.

I'm bored.....

Monday, March 15, 2004



Does anyone know what The Evil Eye is? No? Anyone?.... wehehehehehell!!!!!!! Let me tell you my faithful reader and only friend...

The evil eye is the name for a sickness transmitted -- usually without intention -- by someone who is envious, jealous, or covetous. It is also called the invidious eye and the envious eye. In Hebrew it is ayin ha'ra (the evil eye), which in Yiddish is variously spelled ayin horoh, ayin hora, or ayen hara. In mainland Italian it is mal occhio (the bad eye) and in Spanish mal de ojo or el ojo (the bad eye or just the eye). In Sicily it is jettatore (the projection [from the eye]) and in Farsi it is bla band (the eye of evil).

The evil eye belief is that a person -- otherwise not malific in any way -- can harm you, your children, your livestock, or your fruit trees, by *looking at them* with envy and praising them. The word "evil" is unfortunate in this context because it implies that someone has "cursed" the victim, but such is not the case. A better understanding of the term "evil eye" is gained if you know that the old British and Scottish word for it is "overlooking," which implies merely that the gaze has remained too long upon the coveted object, person, or animal. In other words, the effect of the evil eye is misfortunate, but the person who harbors jealousy and gives the evil eye is not necessarily an evil person per se.

Feel enlightened yet, Neo?

Anyway, why is this dork telling us of the dreaded evil eye you asketh? Here's why...

On Sunday night I had to spend the night at the sleep clinic with my mom because they are conducting some type of sleep study on her. Serg signed me up for it without even asking me first so I didn't wanna leave my mom hanging. Anyway, earlier that Sunday we had grilled out some steaks and stuff and Fabianna was with us at the pool where the grill is. My mom and two younger brothers live in an apartment complex hence the "grill is in the pool" line. Anyway, my mom immediately noticed that Fabianna was acting a little weird... a little more fussy than usual. But we paid no mind. Me and my mom were supposed to be at the sleep clinic by 7:30, 8 pm the latest. So shortly before 7 I went to drop off Felicia and the babies at our house. Well, as soon as we walked in the house Fabianna began crying hysterically! I kid you now, you'd think someone was beating this little girl to death! Every time I tried to put her down or give her to Felicia she would go ballistic. We though we could put her to sleep or something but it was obvious that she was absolutely fucking terrified of something. When I tried to put her down or anything she would cry inconsolably. It got to the point that we thought there was something seriously wrong with her so I called my mom cuz it was already like 10 til 8 and I wasn't able to make her stop being hysterical. My mom then told me that probably someone gave her the evil eye and gave me the Mexican remedy... LOL. She told me to grab an egg and rub it all over her body while praying The Lord's Prayer in Spanish (called Padre Nuestro which actually means Our Father). Then I was supposed to crack the egg in a glass filled with warm water and apparently something was supposed to appear and fix the baby right up.... Isn't this a PAGAN ritual of some sorts???? You silly Christians make me laugh... LOL... just kidding... I refused to do it... mostly cuz me and Felicia haven't gone grocery shopping and I ate the last egg that morning... HEHEHE. So we couldn't make her stop and I was hurting so bad cuz I couldn't make her feel safe that I told my mom to go ahead with Serg and I will catch up. Felicia decided to go spend the night at Sharmeen's house cuz she didn't want to deal with both babies alone like that. During the trip to Sharmeen's house and even when I dropped them off, Fabianna began yelling and crying hysterically if I went more than 3 feet away from her. I had to bit the bullet and leave her crying at Sharmeen's house. Felicia told me she crying for a solid 10 minutes before she fell asleep. She'd doing better now and she doesn't seem scared anymore. So hopefully it was a one night thing and IF I EVER FIND THE MOTHERFUCKER WHO GAVE MY LITTLE FABIANNA THE EVIL EYE I WILL POKE YOUR EYES OUT WITH RED HOT BAMBOO SHOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Or at least I'll cuss your ass out... either way, we ought to have a lot of fun, huh!

I am excited about something I still can't talk about cuz I don't wanna jinx it or get in trouble for it. But I will hopefully be able to talk about real soon.... Ok, bye.

Friday, March 12, 2004

A while ago I played matchmaker with Dina and James. It all started as a joke... well, for me at least.. hehe. About two months ago or so, a bunch of us including James and Dina went out to Wild Wing. Dina and James just like several of the other people there had never met. I kinda grabbed a bunch of friends from two separate groups I hung out with and fused them together... I kinda felt like Dr. Moreau on that one. Anyway, I guess I should have known this was not going to end up in anything good because now James has had to resort to shit like CHANGING HIS FUCKING TELEPHONE NUMBER to get rid of her!!! I should have known that Dina was waaaay too clingy for a paranoid Mexican like James... lol. James has told her straight up that it's over and he doesn't wanna hang out with her but she doesn't seem to get it. Now James wants ME to get her off of her... FUCK THAT! I just hooked them up, what their crazy asses do with each other after that is none of my b'ness! ya dig! LOL. I mean, I'm sure if they'd hit it off and became an item they wouldn't tell me coordinate their little sexcapades or anything... lol. Oh well, I guess Dina is just in need for someone to give her undivided attention but James is definitely not the person.

I am at work and I can't wait to get out so we can go out and do something... I am bored out of my mind. I went to have lunch with Felicia and the girls today. I like it when I get to go out during my lunch break and spend it with my wife and kids. It makes me feel good.

I guess that's all...

Friday Five.

1. What was the last song you heard?
All Murder, All Guts, All Fun by Samhain.

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
28 Days Later and Remember the Titans for the 100th time.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
A CD/DVD repair kit, A subway sandwich and The movie Donnie Darko.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
The biggest and most important thing I can't mention, Buy Larissa newborn bottles and formula, Go grocery shopping, Clean the house and car.

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
In this order... The subway guys (2), Felicia, James and Craig.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

I haven't updated this in a while (as if there was really ever anything to update). I've noticed I lost interest in writing here. Don't know why.... I just have. Somebody at work asked today if I had taken it down. I don't think I'll take it down, it was fun while it lasted.... I might become interested in writing in it again. There really isn't much going on now. Work is the same, Home life is good but busy with both babies. At work things have been slow lately which is good but it makes the day drag. I wish I was able to do something else while I wait for a call but there isn't much to do but stare at the walls, surf or talk to your neighbors.

Tomorrow James, Juan and I are going to Mythos tomorrow night. I've been only once before there a couple of years ago... not exactly what you would call my scene but hey, James and Juan are really into electronica, techno and all that club music. James told me they're open until 4 am but stop selling alcohol at 2 am. What a jip!

I might have some big news coming up but for now I have to keep it in the dark due to many, many reasons.

Dina is now mad at me cuz I won't help her move... FUCK THAT! she lives in Gastonia, I live in Pineville that's about a 30-45 minute. When I told her I wouldn't help her she told me "Some friend you are"... I'm like WTF?!?!?!?!? I spent an entire miserable night in the fucking hospital because I am THAT TYPE OF FUCKING FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck dude, some people are just ungrateful. Then when I reiterate that I will not help her she gets mad and tells me "you know what? Nevermind"... whatever... if that's how she wants to behave... fuck it.

Oh. during the birth of Larissa I was out for an entire week. I used all my vacation time available and I still got a tiny little check... I got about half of what I usually get. Fortunately, (and in my heart situations like these make me really believe there is a God) I got in the mail my state income tax refund which equaled the other half of my check. Although it still sucks that I only made half of what I usually do, I got the other half from the income tax so I broke even. Whew!!!

I guess that's all...
Mach's gut

Friday, March 05, 2004

DISCLAIMER: To protect the anonymity of one (maybe more) of the involved parties in the following story I will change that person's name to Ambrosious. HEHEHE... I like that name, I was going to name my first born male child Ambrosious but Felicia wouldn't let me... I will also fail to mention how it all started and where we were for practically the same reasons... AND, alter some of the smaller details. Too many curious (maybe even narc) eyes feast on this babble now a days.)

So, Wednesday night, actually by then it was already Thursday morning at around 1: am or so Dina got a migraine attack. Dina lives in Gastonia and we were hanging out in Pineville. That's about a 30-45 minute drive. Well, we didn't know what the fuck to do when she started vomiting everywhere and crying due to the excruciating pain. So, we rushed her to CMC-Pineville so they could take care of her cuz we didn't know what to do and she looked very disoriented due to the pain. Now, I saw Menace 2 Society and I though they were exaggerating when no matter what condition you show up in they make you fill out tons of paperwork... but shit... It's true! Poor Dina was in hardcore pain, it was obvious cuz she could barely speak, half the time I had to answer for her. But the nurses were chilling, taking their sweet, smock wearing, fat asses to get the paperwork ready, asking her a billion questions when she said over and over.. I AM NOT ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING! Just make it go away! I was getting a little pissed. Finally, after a good 45 minutes they let her in. First they don't let me and Ambrosious (hehe) come in so we spent about an hour outside waiting for the doctor to come out. Then they finally let us in and she told us they had injected her with something. She kept crying for us not to leave her alone.. it was almost three by now. So me and Ambrosious, being the loyal friends we are opted to stay and if anything offer her our company since we really couldn't do much else. Well, also our cars were still at our point of departure when she had the attack. We all drove there in different cars but when we rushed her to the hospital we only took Ambrosious' car. I do not drive stick shift and her and Ambrosious only have a stick shift so it became a big mess. After about 30 minutes she told us the medicine they gave her was only making the pain worse... she kept moaning, crying and writhing in pain. It was kinda tough to sit through but we didn't wanna leave her alone. So we called the nurse and they gave her her something else... An hour later, the pain was still there and just as strong. Finally they told her there was nothing more they could do but sedate here so they did. At 6 am, Ambrosious and I were so tired and out of it we told them to wake her up and we would driver her home. So we drover her to Gastonia and back... It was 8:30 am by the time I made it home. I had the worst headache I've had in quite sometime. The whole night was a trip... cuz other things, such as someone abandoning us, that I can't really go into detail here happened. It was probably one of the worst nights I've had in a long time... LOL! She's doing good now and all so hopefully she'll be ok.

I was so physically and psychologically exhausted when I got home that I missed work on Thursday. I hope I have enough time to cover my absence since I had already missed an entire week for the birth of Larissa. Today is Friday and Serg said he was going to buy a bottle of Jeigermeister and a bunch of Red Bull!!! We'z gonna party tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I guess that's all, here are the Friday Five...

What was...

. ...your first grade teacher's name?
Dora, I think... I'm not even 20% sure of that. Sad thing is, she was my first and second grade teacher.

2. ...your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
Probably the Disney cartoons

3. ...the name of your very first best friend?
Juan Gabriel Manriquez, he was my next door neighbor. Big fallout in our teens. I went punk, he went Mexican peasant boy... LOL!

4. ...your favorite breakfast cereal?
Pac Man Cereal!

5. ...your favorite thing to do after school?
Depends on what stage of my life. In elementary I liked to go home and play with my neighborhood friends or watch TV. In middle school I didn't have much of a choice but to go work in the laundromat my mom worked in (we were broke at that time). And in High School I usually loved getting high with my friends

Monday, March 01, 2004

Last Thursday and Friday we had a huge snow storm here in the Charlotte area. Time Warner Cable has their own 24-hour local news channel called News 14 Carolina. Well, News 14 had the genius idea of allowing businesses, schools, churches and other organizations to post their facilities opening hours via the Internet. Well, apparently some college kids got a hold of this page and the result was some good ol', healthy hilarious college fun. They sent all types of funny messages and News 14 actually showed them on TV! LOL!!!

Here are some examples....

[Whomever let this one through is in deep shit]

HAHA... did you read the contact info on the last one????!?!?!?!?!!? Those wacky college kids are hilarious when you give them a keg. Anyway, for all the screenshots click here. By the way, I found this through All Dumb.