Friday, January 30, 2004

Yesterday, for the fourth night in a row, the baby refuses to go to sleep. I woke up today earlier than usual cuz Felicia didn't mail the letter yesterday and she wanted to mail it early this morning and run some other errands. So she left me alone with the Bean and she woke up by like 9 or so... So all in all, I got about 4 hours of sleep. At work I felt physically exhausted, I had a headache and felt lightheaded. Fortunately, they had me doing Triage for most of the day so I was able to shake it off by around 4 pm when I went home and got a couple of Aleve. So, now I feel fine and I have not plans for Friday. I might just go home and chill there and go to sleep early... (yeah right! Unless Fabianna has anything to cry about it.

The alleged tailgate party at work was just a bunch of food and no party. I am not complaining though... they brought Wolfman's Pizza (They are the freaking best!!!!), drinks, chips, Chick-Fil-A nuggets and a bunch of other goodies. I banked with the food and the drinks... LOL!

So, I heard in the news today that Disney sold Pixar. I don't understand why they would do something like that. Since they acquired Pixar they have creates some of the best movies ever. For example Toy Store (you don't get much better than that), A bug's life, Monsters Inc. and the gay little fish Nemo. That's like having a rich uncle that gives you money for no reason and you abandon him to pursue your drunk uncle's quest to establish a tittie bar. LOL. ok... bad example... but you get the idea.

You have just won one million dollars:

1. Who do you call first?

2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself?
I would go on a shopping spree at every local vynil store in the city and its surrounding area. For you little eenie teenie kiddies... vynil are the big black records.

3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else?
A shopping free for Felicia at every mall in the area (she loves to shop) and the same for Fabianna and Larissa at the baby stores.

4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom?
Yes, to my immediately family, my grandmother and I would start an center for abused children and elder people (for real, I would... that's my dream).

5. Do you invest any? If so, how?
Of course I would, but since I don't know shit about investing... before I do so I would use some of my money to properly learn about investing.

Well, I really have nothing more to say (as if I ever do). So bye.

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