Thursday, January 08, 2004

Today I received a call from a former employee of a PETsMART who said the hamsters in her store were becoming ill with "wet tail". Once they became ill, the manager would take them to another room and leave them there until they felt better. Bear in mind that the store had a fucking animal hospital INSIDE!! But apparently it's not part of PETsMART and the lady said the manager showed more concern for the departmental budget than the dying hamsters. Well, apparently the manager didn't try to cure them either and would leave the animals in this other room. The lady said that she saw, more than once no less, where the Hamster would start eating each other ALIVE!. That is some sick shit! She said that more than once she would walk in and saw a few half devoured hamsters STILL ALIVE! I am not a pet lover, but shit like that is just plain unacceptable... especially for a fucking company like PETsMART. I was always under the impression that pet store owners were ANIMAL LOVERS! (and I don't mean the kind of animal lovers you'd find here in NC, if you know what I mean... lol).

But, all of this reminded me of the time last year when Eugene had a pet snake and we had to go to some local pet store to buy live mice for the snake to feed. When we got there and saw the caged mice, we also noticed that they were ferociously and frantically trying to eat each other. I mean you could see half eaten mice and mice guts everywhere... it was sick and disturbing. Then the attendant approached us to see what we needed and we told him about the mice and the asshole goes, as if bothered by the comment apparently not only us but many clients had made, "Oh, yeah, I know". Man, I almost cussed his negligent ass out and called animal protection on him. But Gene is pretty morbid and told me not to bother. So, me never giving into peer pressure, didn't call. LOL. Anyway, that's my sick little story of the day.

So, James finally decided to go with my idea and put a Spanish speaker oriented strip joint in Monroe. Which, I might boast, was my idea... LOL, maybe I should boast... now that I think about it, it was... umm.. James' idea... yeah, that perv! lol

Anyway, so we finally are getting some numbers and things in place. I had mentioned it to Felicia a while back and she didn't seem to mind. I reminded her today and she was like, ok. So fortunately I don't have to worry about that or the babies judging me for this until they are old enough. But by then, I hopefully would be way out of it. We plan to put it up and sell it if it works to put another, more ethical and socially acceptable (lol) cantina... without the naked, dancing girls... but again oriented for Spanish speakers. So, we will see what happens. Fortunately we will try to get all of our stuff from Coni, Serg's friend, cuz her boyfriend used to own a Mexican restaurant and she has a lot of equipment we might need.

well, bye

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