Wednesday, January 28, 2004

So Monday night I spent it at the Staybridge Suites courtesy of GCS and Cliff (the owner). The sucky thing was that I was not able to hang out with anyone cuz everyone arrived and went to their rooms and didn't come out again. LOL! The only one that was there for the wrong reasons, other than myself of course, was Dyane and when she got there at midnight she called me immediately. We hung out trying to look for people to hang out and party with but we couldn't find anybody. So, we said screw it and we decided to WALK to the store in the freezing weather and snow to buy some beer and munchies. LOL The shit some people will do to have a good time. So we came back and hung out in Dyane's room til 3 am drinking and talking shit about everyone we knew. LOL.

[Check out my little slip, cool huh?]

After I went to my room, I was tired and just wanted to sleep... but after about an hour of tossing and turning I realized that I couldn't sleep. I missed Felicia and the Bean. I continued tossing and turning looking at the clock every so often.... 4:15 am.... 5:20 am.... 6:45 am.... at around 7:30, which is the last time I remember looking at the clock, I finally began falling asleep and I felt myself falling into unconsciousness... then at 8:30 am or so... Khali calls me and asked if I was going to work with her at 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I was like WTF??? HELL NO!!!!! LOL... so I tried to get back to sleep and about 9:20 am or so my mom calls me... asking if I was going to go to work!!! AT 9 in the fucking morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't go to work until NOON! I told her to call me later.... Again, I tried to go back to sleep... at 9:45 am... Brian, my supervisor, calls me... "Javier, are you up? We really need you to come in cuz about 40% of the people didn't show up and we're getting slammed.." *sob* *sob*

What was I supposed to do... they had bought me food, went to my house to pick me up, paid for my hotel room (which was a really, really, nice suite) and were going to feed me all day again... I told him I'd be there in an hour... so I did. Needless to say, I felt like shit the rest of the day because I got no sleep. I was cranky and not very tolerant of the "my manager didn't say good morning to me today" calls! I know that, in a diplomatically nasty way, told a good 60% of my caller to fuck off. Anyway, I realized that I am very attached to my wife and my baby. Everything for us has happened so fast that we rarely stop and appreciate the fact that we have each other and a family. We're running around all day working, running errands, pleasing other family members, partying, taking care of the baby, shutting our minds when the baby is asleep (which gives us no time to spend time with each other cuz all we can think of is resting until the baby wakes up again), just the daily routine is sucking the life out of us. At the end of the day I am so psychologically ready to crack that coming home to a crying baby is the last thing I want to do... but unfortunately that's my reality right now... my nerves are truly, a hair from being totally shot. I get no psychological rest... I wake up, the baby is crying and fussing, I got to work, I get the most ignorant, mental paraplegic, whinny, over sensitive punks in the entire world (cuz we cover all the world), then I come home and the baby is STILL crying and whinnying... but that part is our fault. We've spoiled her so much she doesn't want to be alone or stay in her crib. She wants constant attention and we just can't do it anymore. But we dug that hole ourselves so now we're paying for it... lol

Last night the baby didn't go to sleep til really late, after 1:30 am... and she kept waking up throughout the night. I lost my temper several times cuz I had been at work almost straight for the past two days. To add insult to injury, Felicia told me the following day, when I wasn't there, Fabianna had gone to sleep at 9 am... arrrgh! I was pissed cuz all I wanted to do was relax after work and sit and get some peace and quiet. But I also noticed the baby only wanted to be with me, I guess because she had not seen me the past two days and really missed me. awww... I love her sooo much. This morning again, as soon as we woke up... she was crying and fussing all day... so I guess this is a permanent thing.

Today is Wednesday so here are the Wednesday Whatevers.

1. Have you ever wondered if it's all really worth it?
Every day of my life and I am still alive so it must all be really worth it.

2. Do "inspiring" quotes really inspire you, or just annoy you?
Annoy the hell out of me... and those stupid lame ass corporate posters... have you seen them? If you are inspired by poster you are an easily lead automaton!

3. Why do you go to school?
During elementary, middle school and high school it was because my parents made me go. Higher Education it was because I was so brainwashed and it was so embedded in my mind that this was the only way to a better life. If they only knew how much I hate my job thanks to higher education... where's my AK47?!?!!?! LOL... just kidding... becuase my thirst for knowledge cannot be sedated of course.

Well, that's all that happened.

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