Wednesday, January 07, 2004

After work last night me, Juan and James met to discuss "business" and how we're gonna stop working a 9-5. I really don't believe we will be able to pull anything off because we are not businessmen. But, it sure does help to fill ourselves with false hopes and eases the pain of being a corporate automaton for the duration of the conversation. Anyway, we only hung out and talked for a little bit and we only came up with the idea to put up a small "cantina" in Monroe, NC to cater to the low class Mexican and Latin American population there. Not the most illustrious of plans, but hey, at least we came up with something. So now I have to ask Mario, the boyfriend of one of my brother's friends, to see about the liquor license cuz he used to have a restaurant. Skeptical is the only adjective that comes to mind when I think about this, but I am sick of living paycheck to paycheck and not being able to give Felicia and the babies the life they really deserve.

I began drinking and by the time we were leaving I wanted to drink some more so I called Eugene and we went to Bailey's (a local pub). We drank so freaking much it wasn't even funny. We had tequila and whiskey shots and shitload of beer... lol. I was so blitz that Eugene kicked my ass at foosball twice. He sucks at foosball, I always kick his ass at it. But that's how drunk we were. Then when we were sitting at the bar there was this really pretty Asian girl sitting next to us and I told Eugene to talk to her (cuz he's half Korean and she was alone). He didn't want to though cuz he's a pussy so I started talking to her when he got up to go to the bathroom. She was very talkative and friendly. I started asking where she was from (she was Korean by the way) and all and then I told her about Eugene. LOL! He showed up a few minutes later and he finally started talking to her but he didn't even try to get her number... hahahaha... So I tried to get it for him but I guess she wasn't interested cuz she said she lived with her parents. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was funny as hell. Later that night Eugene drove and we got lost somewhere in the Westinghouse area until we finally made it home. It was a weird night.

Today, I arrived at work 41/2 hours late because I couldn't shake my hangover until then. I told Brian, my supervisor, that my car broke down and that's why I got here late. Shhhh! It's a secret though, so don't tell anyone. Today at work was as dull as always. I finally spoke to one of the new quiet girls but only to offer help if she needed it cuz Brian has the tendency to give you a sermon every time you ask him something... lol. Not in a bad way though, I mean, his purpose is to help you understand but they can become painfully and mind numbingly long and boring. So, hopefully they will loosen up soon and talk to rest of us since they're both sitting in our row.

I am starving, I can't wait to go out so I can go get me a combo at Wendy's. Here are today's Wednesday Whatevers:

Wednesday Whatevers

1. Do you prefer today's world or would you prefer the more simplistic past?
I think I prefer to live in this day and age. I am addicted to pop culture and fast food. So with that in mind I am heaven with all of today's techonological and pop culture perks.

2. What does Valentine's Day mean to you?
Love, plain and simple.

3. What types of books do you like best?
serial killer biografies.

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