Monday, November 03, 2003

Well, I guess I found out that I probably won’t update my blog on weekends. I am too busy with the baby, the wifey and trying to figure out how to have some fun with my limited amount of friends. LOL. On the 31st, Me, Serg, Gene and Shelly went to Bailey’s. It wasn’t like the greatest time but it will have to do. They had a costume contest. Most of the costumes were pretty lame and pointless. They had Jem from Jem and the Holograms, Bums, and a Zombie pimp…not to mention the freakishly large amount of guys dressed like women and old ladies. I’ve always found that to be some type of repressed closet homosexuality type shit…but hey, I ain’tz not Freud. One of the costumes was really cool. The guy called himself G. Web or something like that. It was this huge costume that looked like some type or robot/moster/GWAR thing. It has a huge rotary saw on one hand and some type of lighted prong thing on the other and weird tentacles and hoses protruding from its entire body. Anyway, it was cool….he won of course….it was like 200 or 300 dls. After the contest they had some gay ass, local, Creed-playing band called Tone Deaf, so we left. We headed to The Grad Pineville nextdoor. It was pretty dull as well. The only thing that saved the night was that Serg was blitz and was pretty much was entertaining us with the shit he was saying and because he was flirting with every girl and waitress in the place!! That was funny. He also got the DJ to play La Bamba…now that shit was fucking funny!!!!!! We were laughing to hard. Oh, then this dude walked in with a Oderus Orungus costume. That was pretty cool!


Needless to say, I got really drunk that night and crashed in my mom’s living room. Man, the next day I woke up at like 1:45 pm. I called Felicia immediately….She was pissed! I felt like shit. I apologized up and down and she of course played every wife’s role of “I’m not mad, just disappointed, It’s ok�….Yeah, I’m not falling for that one….anymore…hehe. So, finally she spent most of the day at her dad’s and I spent most of the day at my mom’s and that night we had a husband to wife talk. In other words, she chewed me up…but I deserved it, so I’m not complaining about it. Sunday I laid in the house all freaking day long. Nothing happened, nothing at all…hehehe…that felt good.

This morning I had a weird sort of panic attack. It wasn’t really a panic attack because I have these “attacks� all the time. Maybe I used one too many hits of fry when I was younger. Anyway, I get these weird flashbacks and become engulfed in uncontrollable fear. I can’t shake it either…it’s like I’m petrified. The weird thing is they would not last more than 30-45 seconds. Well, I had them a lot right before Fabianna was born. Like three to five times per day! Around Oct and Nov of last year it got pretty bad. Then for the past month or so, I’ve noticed that they started coming back. But, not the same way. I was able to shake them off immediately after I felt the first signs. Then, it would be gone. I also noticed that when I or someone else sneezes, and it catches me off guard. I begin to feel it creeping. But again, I am able to control it. This morning I was able to shake it. It came and it came full force. Luckily, by now, I am well aware of exactly how I am going to feel so I didn’t let it control me this time. I sat there and rode it…all the way…It was scary as fuck too. But I didn’t lose control and it went away in a few seconds. I really don’t know what they are, or how they came about. When I was much younger I would get them really bad…but not as frequent. Maybe once or twice a year. Maybe it’s some sort of mid-mid-life crisis…LOL. Anyway, if anyone knows what they are, let me know.

I guess that’s all.

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