Friday, October 31, 2003

Yesterday I took my mom to the hospital for this exam that takes a few hours to complete. First, I would tell you that my mom doesn't speak a lick of English. So I had to take time off from work (not that I am complaining about that part) to take her and translate. Well, we didn't know exactly where we were supposed to go. Her appointment was at 11 am. Me, being the mental paraplegic that I am sometimes (well, ok, most of the time) decided to go out and drink the previous night. So, me, Serg and Gene went out to Chili's and drank for a while and then we returned home to drink some more and play Tekken 4 (I kicked their asses, BAD!!). I end up going home at around 3:30 am or so. Anyway, the following morning I barely manage to get up so I can pick up my mom by 10 am. (Interesting sidescript to that story, Gene drank as much as I did and managed to get up and be at school by 8 am. He has always been able to do shit like that, I don't know how. But I wish I could)

So the first clinic we go to is the wrong place. We went to the Myers Park Clinic and they told us we had to go to the main CMC hospital. So we went and we get there like at 11:02. We fill the paperwork and we're told to wait. I am hung over as hell and have not eaten. Due to the tests she was getting my mom was told NOT TO EAT IN 42 HOURS!!! she was starving to say the least. Anyway, they finally admit us at 1 pm...two hours after we got there. So, I have to translate for my moms and we go into the test area and we have to fill out tons of more paperwork. Finally they take her into the O.R. (although it was not an operation) and I leave them alone... Cuz I don't really much care to see my mom naked and that's what the test required. So, the doctor tells me to wait outside the door in case he needs me to translate something. A few minutes later this bitch nurse tells me to go to the waiting room. I explained, but she still kicked me out. I was like, I go.'s like a quarter til 2 and I am feeling lightheaded from he alcohol and the lack of food. So, I sit in the waiting room and there isn't shit to watch but the fucking 700 CLUB! I was ready to shoot myself after 30 seconds of that mind-numbing, spirit crushing babble....then I decide to try to read something...only religion oriented literature, Oh... Dear Satan, why are we exposed to this torture? LOL.

After 20 minutes of drilling into my skull by the most cynical spiritual-drug pusher that I have to save my soul and the soul of every heathen within arm's reach, I got up and walked back to the area where my mom was. She was no longer there. One of the nurses told me the doctor was looking for me and my mom was still sedated and resting...I have never, ever wanted to be so badly sedated in my life than that day. So, I go back to the waiting room and look for the doc. He's nowhere to be found. I walk up and down the hallway for like 15 minutes waiting for the doc. I was about to pass out so I said, screw this, I'm gonna get something to eat. So I went to the cafeteria and ate. Later I came back up and asked about my mom and they finally told me where she was. I never saw the doc and I was tired, cranky and ready to kick the shit out of one of those nurses. So, I get my moms, we get the release papers and I rush my ass to her house to drop her off and return home to get some sleep. Unfortunately, the little bean, was up and running...So I hardly got any But I guess that's what being a father is... That was my day, trippy huh? well, maybe not...but I had to write something today in my Blog.

The day off was nice though, even if I really didn't get to enjoy it. Tonight I am gonna go out with some friends. Hopefully the night will be interesting.

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