Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Time to ramble some more...

Weekend pretty uneventful. Saturday we pretty much spent sitting around the house being lazy. On Sunday me, Felicia and my moms went out to several stores to window shop. I can't do manly things like sit around watching old kung-fu flicks or mindlessly channel surf for hours. Now, that I am married, I window shop on Sundays with my mom and my wife. And you wonder why men live less than women. Where's my handgun... I have to blow my brains out. LOL.

Yesterday I called in sick to work, I wasn't really sick though. I was just really, really hung over from drinking with Gene on Monday night. No reason, we just started drinking and playing Tekken 4. I kicked his ass again. hehehehe.

Today it's dead at work, which seems to be the norm now a days. I am not complaining. I have been sitting in front of my computer since like 1:45 surfing on the net cuz we have nothing to do!!! It's like 2:30 now. THIS KICKS ASS! But it does make the day go by really slow. I was talking to Melanie (Mel) at work today. She is leaving the company in a week or so. I wanted to know about the company's softball team. She's part of it, I am not...Anyway, it's very loosely based. People practically show up when they feel like it and they figure out what to do seconds before the game starts. When she gave me the list of people, I knew like one or two people. So I decided not to join. LOL...

OH, on Thursday of last week we rented a movie called Y tu mama tambien. It's an excellent Mexican movie made in 2002. I loved it, it's really good. You guys should rent it. It's in Spanish but subtitled. It's pretty vulgar but it's also very true to the way we really speak Spanish. Anyway, check it out, you won't be disappointed.

I guess that's all for now...later.

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