Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Well, I haven't had time to update my blog in almost a week now (not that anybody cares or anything). Some stuff has perspired since my B-day, some good some bad.... Let's see if I can remember...hehe

On the 25th, the day of my B-day, me and my brother Sergio went to eat at Chili's. Well, he ate, I just drank some beer...I'm not too keen to the Chili's bar atmosphere...lol...anyway, after a while I was like, man, it's my B-day...I want to do something other than sit at a bar at Chili's. So, his solution was to get beer and go drink in the house. So, by 10 pm I was pissed and fed up and went home. So, on my B-day, I went to sleep by 10:30 completely pissed and disappointed. One think that did come of it was that I realized how big of a loser I am. I have no fucking friends!!! Well, my friend Eugene works til midnight...so that's no fun. My two only other friends are female. Dina and Shelly...but Felicia has a field day if I hang out with them. So, that's how my B-day went.

The following day my Mom and little brother came back from Mexico. They brought me a shitty ceramic ornamental sun from Mexico and a bunch of Tamales.

That night we went to Mi Mexico and ate and got really fucked. Then we came home, drank some more and that was that.

On Saturday night me and Felicia went to eat to the Olive Garden and had a really, really nice time! We talked and enjoyed a nice romantic QUIET dinner. HAHA...my mom babysat for us so the bean wasn't there. Then we went home...you don't need to know anything else about Saturday.

Sunday was weird, I will not go into detail but I hurt Felicia really, really, really bad. For something that one, happened a long time ago, two, it's not even true, and three, she only brought the situation up becuase she dug through my personal things. Well, that's all I'm going to say. But I am in deep shit with her and I have to regain her (so to speak).


Ok, so check out what happened on Sunday afternoon. I told you that Sharmeen is my mom's next door neighbor right? So, on Sunday, me, Felicia and the baby pull up cuz we were visiting my mom. Well, as we pull up, Shirley, their mom was getting out of her van cuz she was giving Sharmeen a ride somewhere. So we all walk together and decide to all stop at her house. So, we walk in and Eric, the human scum, is out in the little back porch area sweeping or something. We all talk to Sharmeen and all is nice. Then she turns around without any previous warning and calls him into the house. She's like, "Eric, my sister is here". I'm like, goddamit! now I have to act nice to this asshole. So he comes in, and she introduces us. I guess Sharmeen was expecting for me to be all cool and shake his hand. I am not about to extend my hand to a lowlife, asshole, negligent parent motherfucking scum like him. I barely even look at him in the eyes. Not in purpose though, I just realize that I can't look at a subhuman hyena like himself in the eye. Anyway, I guess based on my reaction Felicia followed suit and didn't shake his hand either. Although Felicia knows him, just hadn't seen him in years. He just stood there and goofily shook his hand saying "well, duh, hi". He looked on crack, Felicia noticed too. LOL
So Shirley is all like let's go, we gotta go... we all walk outside except for Sharmeen and Eric. Shirley is outside with us waiting for Sharmeen talking. Then Sharmeen comes out and asks if Eric can go with them. Shirley blows up! but finally she agrees. At this point I tell Felicia to stay and chat but I was going in my mom's house with the baby. I go in and I realize I forgot the baby's bag in the car. Here is where it gets fun!
I smoke, not like a pack a day, but I smoke once every few days (sue me!). So, as I was walking out, I noticed my brother's pack of cigarettes on the table. I figured, hell the baby is not with me and I'm going out side. I swipe one to smoke. So I walk outside and light my cancer stick. Then, Felicia is out there all the way back near Shirley's truck again talking to Sharmeen and Shirley. So, I approach them and start talking to them...cigarette in hand. Everybody in her family knows I smoke and drink. Everyone in her family knows that I am not and Adventist. Everybody in her family knows that I love to party and have a good time. So, I'm talking to Shirley and Sharmeen and when we're done me and Felicia turn around and this cockknocker is standing behind me. As soon as we turn around he says, "Why are you smoking like that around Felicia, don't you know she's a 7th day Adventist?"......Felicia turns red with anger...I'm thinking to myself, NO MOTHERFUCKER! I MARRIED SOMEONE WHOM I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ARE! I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY WIFE YOU IGNORANT PIECE OF SHIT!!!....lol...well, I didn't say any of that...but I surely though of it. Actually, fortunately, I was in a really good mood so all I said was, "well, I'm not." and walked away. Felicia saw that I didn't react or get pissed so she calmed down and walked with me.
Apparently, Shirley and Sharmeen did not overhear his comment but overheard mine and they saw me and Felicia just kinda stood speechless in front of him for a few seconds in disbelief. Shirley is already looking for anything to kick the shit out of this lowlife. She comes out and asks what's going on and Sharmeen does the same. me and Felicia are already kinda far from them so we tell them nothing is going on. We go in my mom's house. Right before we go in I turned back and I saw Eric walking away and into Sharmeens house, he looked angry..haha...Sharmeen following behind.

So, we go in and a few seconds later I tell Felicia to go out and make sure everyone is ok. She goes back and later Sharmeen comes back in and apologizes for Eric. I don't think Sharmeen should apologize for him. Sharmeen didn't do anything. Anyway, I could tell Sharmeen was beyond pissed so I told her it was ok and whatnot. She's completely going off on him saying he had no right to tell me anything and goes on and on about how he should be ashamed of what he did to his children. She said he should not even compare his sorry ass to someone like me who is taking care of his kids and wife (actually, that part really placated my ego..hehe). So again, I told her it's ok. They leave and Felicia comes back later. She tells me that Shirley went off completely on Eric. She unloaded every little piece of rancor and anger he felt for him right on the parking lot of the apartment complex. Eric was trying to say something about he cares for her and Felicia's health through the Adventist faith. Shirley cuts him off and tells him he is nobody to tell him about her own faith and the faith she has followed all her life. Man, she schooled him on Adventist or something like that. So, Sharmeen finally decided to kick him out of the house because he started to mouth of to Shirley and make inappropriate comments to the family. Aawwww...that was sweet, both Shirley and Sharmeen referred to me as part of the family and he should not come and question any family member's actions. So, apparently he's moving out this Friday. Well, I do feel bad that Sharmeen's dream of a normal married life crumbled...for the third time. But I think we are all glad and relieved that he is gone.

So, that was my weekend. I only got presents from Felicia's dad's family. So if anyone out there wants to give me something. Just bring them on. hehe...

I will try to update this more often...for now, good bye.

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