Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I couldn't sleep (after we spoke) last night so I decided to do this thing on my blog for the hell of it...hehe....enjoy! the parenthesis comment is only meant for one person

I stole Char's Quiz

series one--your:
name: Soneji
age: (only the ones who know shall know)
birthdate: 9/25
interests: Art, Literature, Music...especially music, my family, Beer and Punk
time: 1:43 am

series two--describe:

your heritage: Mexicano
your hair: dark brown
your eyes: dark brown
your fears: midgets who smell like cabbage
your perfect pizza: with a scoop of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia on top
one thing you'd like to achieve: Start another business, one that makes a lot of money.

series three--what is?
your most overused phrase on aim: I hate AOL!
the first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Boobs (I'm not gonna lie)
your best physical feature: my pancreas
your greatest accomplishment: overcoming drug addiction... and reading the entire divine comedy.
your most missed memory: My dad....and real Mexican taquitos.
your favorite article of clothing: my baseball hat collection, yes, ALL OF THEM!
pepsi or coke: Coke I guess
mcdonald's or burger king: Wendy's (the 99 cent value menu kicks ass!)
single or group dates: single
adidas or nike: Van's
lipton ice tea or nestea: either
chocolate or vanilla: Cherry Garcia

series five--do you...
smoke: Only when set on fire....
cuss: Like a fucking sailor
sing well: hell no! singing is for sissies, except for Lenny from Motorhead, he's not a sissy.
take a shower everyday: I chose not to answer that in the grounds that I might self incriminate...my..self......umm, redundant isn't it?
have a crush(es): OH, hells yes, and she knows it too....
think you've been in love: I know I have and currently am.
want to go to college: already did
like high school: yeah, what little I can remember
want to get married: been there done that
type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Always
think you're attractive: Only in the in a dark room

series six--in the past 3 months, did/have you...
drank alcohol: of course
smoked: yes
done a drug: I think I smoked some weed, but it might have been more than 3 months.
eaten an entire box of oreos: No
been on stage: No
been dumped: No
gone skating: No
made homemade cookies: huh?
been in love: Yes!
dyed your hair: nah, too old for that.
stolen anything: I don't think so...I hope not....

series seven--have you ever...
been called a tease: haha...sadly, Yes
gotten beaten up: Oh, hell yes....many times, but I've kicked some serious ass myself.
shoplifted: Yes
changed who you were to fit in: Yes...again, sadly...

series eight--the future
numbers and names of children: 2, Fabianna (who is already here) and Annaugh (NOT MARY).
describe your dream wedding: In the Chapel-O-Love in the Vegas strip.
how do you want to die: I don't want to die!!!!
what country would you most like to visit: Japan

series nine--opposite sex
best eye color: as long as they are not filled with that mucus substance, any.
best hair color: any
short or long hair: LONG!
best height: doesn't matter
best weight: No Laura Flynn Boyle skeletons and no morbidly obese chicks, everything else is kosher with me.
best articles of clothing: matching lingerie
best first date location: Motel 6...oh wait, you mean a date, date? night walk in the park and nice romantic dinner.

series ten--number of...
number of drugs taken illegally: when? recently or all my life????? many, many!!
number of people I could trust with my life: 4
number of cds that I own: over 300 currently plus over 500 vinyl albums
number of piercings: although I don't currently use any, lip, 2 in nose, eyebrow, like 10 on each ear, nipples, webbing of my hands that's it I think.
number of tattoos: 1 and a half.
number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: NONE! Hooray!
number of scars on my body:Christ! too many to count....
number of things in my past that I regret: many.

series eleven--right now
wearing: a Duke Power T-shirt and Hanes boxers...that's it...oh, and socks.
thinking of: Weed, Work, Charlotte and what I'm getting for my B-day
watching: my computer monitor
date: Sep 16
time: 2:01 am

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