Friday, September 19, 2003


I'm so fucking sick of Sharmeen and her fucking bullshit!!!!!! Especially now that her fucking asshole lazy ass motherfucker bitch ass boyfriend is back....

She has to ask people at random to pick up her fucking kids from school daily. Normally Shirley, her mom, does it. Today Shirley had a job interview of some sort so she was not able to pick them up....Guess who the fuck was assigned to pick them up???? That's right....Felicia, my wife!!!!

So, today I come to work at 12 pm and at around 2:30 I call her asking her about lunch because we are very low on funds (fucking unexpected bills) and we can't eat out. So Felicia, casually, tells me she fucking forgot to make lunch!!!! And at 2:30 she was already on her fucking way to pick up Taylor....So I'm sitting here hungry as fucking hell already, not to mention that my lunch isn't until 4:30 and she tells me she forgot to make lunch.....What the fuck??!!!!

Then she still has to go pick up Michael at 3:30 so she can't do anything about it. So I'm like fine! I'll figure something out. So 4:30 rolls around and I have no fucking clue what to do.... I'm fucking starving and I have no cash on me. So, I go to my mom's house at 4:30...Traffic isn't bad going into Charlotte so I make it there in like less than 10 minutes. I get there and Fabianna is there, but Felicia is at her grandmother's house with the kids waiting for Sharmeen cuz she also has to bring her ass to her house!!!! I'm like whatever....If she wants to be used and abused by Sharmeen, fine...It's her fucking problem as long as it doesn't bother me.

Well, At 5:15 (I get an hour lunch) I make my way back to work....FUCKING TRAFFIC!!!! I was supposed to be back at work at 5:30...I made it here at 5:52!!! Needless to say I was fucking pissed at Sharmeen for being a fuck up and abusive and shit...and I was pissed at Felicia for "forgetting" that we had no fucking money and not telling me there ain't shit to eat until 2:30!!!!!!!!!! Man, I told her that I didn't care if she let's Sharmeen use her as she pleases as long as it doesn't affect me or the baby. Well fuck this shit!!!! I could have gotten fired today....All because someone doesn't give a fuck and is no considerate to my wife!!! FUCK HER!!!!!! FUCK THIS SHIT!!! I am so sick of it!

Then, almost when I got to work, Felicia calls me on the phone and acts all nonchalant. I go off...She asked me what I was doing and blow up....I'm like I'm on the fucking road still trying to get to work.... She can't understand why I'm pissed. That is soo not cool.... I fucking hung up on her....(sadly and immaturely, that felt good)....anyway, I am at work now and I am pissed, I hope no one comes and gives me shit cuz I will go off on these motherfuckers too....

To top it all off, I was planning to vent out tonight by getting drunk. Then my little brother Ricky is like, you can't drink tonight, you have to take us to the airport at 6 am tomorrow. SHIT! I forgot...with all this shit I forgot my mom and my brother are leaving for Mexico tomorrow...oh well, so much for venting my frustrations with alcohol....So, it has sucked for the past couple of days. A couple of days ago I also got in weird disagreement with my friend Char....that hurt, cuz I didn't do anything wrong and she got mad at me....But I think something else happened on her end which made her feel whatever it is, I hope she's good.

So, I am sick of being at work, I wanna go home but I can't...I'm stuck here til, I might still get fucked tonight and see how I deal with the airport trip tomorrow....I'm too pissed to be sober.....I guess that's my bitchin' for today....g'nite ya'll!

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