Thursday, May 07, 2009


Summer Camps are FUCKING expensive... I mean, truly expensive

I started looking for summer camps for the girls as both Felicia and I work full time jobs. Right now we're paying about $150 a week for both girls for after school care and it also seems insanely expensive. Even at that rate we're on the cheap end of after school programs.

Summer Camps on the other hand are approximately twice that amount for both girls for a half day camp and 4 times that amount for a full day camp.

I pretty much came up empty handed yesterday after spending most of the work day yesterday looking online for cheaper options. My only two viable options were a Baptist Church which charged $105 a week per child which would mean only a $50 increase in our weekly fees and the Y.

Felicia immediately shot down the Baptist option for two reasons. One valid the other... well, if you know Felicia you'll understand. First option is very valid and I agree with her. The church where the camp is location is 20 minutes (one way) northbound out of our way which neither of us will be able to accommodate. The second is simply cuz she's a 7th Day Adventist and the camp is at a Baptist church...

So, with that said our only true option is the Y. They also have financial aid so i went to pick up the forms. I called her to let her know and she wanted to only put herself down on the financial aid form. Given some custody things that have transpired between us I immediately became defensive and suspicious of her request (the fact that she sounded like she had a chip on her shoulder while on the phone only exasperated things. She, still rudely, said that she makes very little money compared to me and it would be in our best interest to qualify for the plan. I think I went into accusatory mode insinuating that it was some sort of wicked plot to take the girls from me. We obviously ended that call in a less than desired note.

After thinking it over I came to terms that I was prolly just being paranoid so I sent her a text this morning that said, "ure right about the Y. sorry about that. Ill drop the forms off to u today or tomorrow." I still haven't heard from her which is not uncommon for her.

So, hopefully we can iron this out and put the girl in a good summer camp this summer... otherwise they'll spend the summer sitting in front of the television with Felicia's grandmother... the mere thought makes me squirm.

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