Thursday, May 21, 2009



Do any of you guys follow Lost? If you don't, you should... well, you should spend the rest of the year buying or renting the first 5 seasons to catch up for the final season coming up in 2010.

I hated when this season ended but it was the greatest cliffhanger since the revolutionaries crashed the royal wedding of Amanda Carrington to Prince Michael of Moldavia. Becky, myself and countless other Lostites were crushed and left wondering what to do for a Lost fix until 2010.

Thankfully, while browsing through Lostpidia I found that a new ARG is in the making. I have not been able to participate in the past three Lost related ARGs (The Lost Experience, Find 815 and The Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project. I am excited cuz this time I was able to catch the game as it is starting and plan to follow it through.

Below is a brief synopsis of the article. Unfortunately I cannot access Twitter or Youtube from work so I will have to start when I get home.

"It appears that the ARG between seasons five and six is already heating up -- this time on the new social networking site Twitter. A mysterious video posted by The Lost Experience YouTube channel directed users to the Twitter account of Simeon Hobbes, a mysterious person whose Tweets have mostly revolved around pleas to Jacob, though one Tweet references the fall of Widmore's stocks as "karma." Hobbes (whose Twitter avatar is the eye of Horus) has also directed fans toward Twitter user Epithet Alpha, whose words sound very Egyptian. Is this another ARG? It certainly seems so, though there is still the chance that it may be unofficial".

1 comment:

nichelle said...

let me know when this starts, bc i want to play!