Monday, May 04, 2009


Well, as of this morning there was still no maintenance man fixing my kitchen. I again called the office as they were closed yesterday and Lisa, the girl who processed my move in assured me she would get the maintenance supervisor over to my apartment today. I went home for lunch earlier today and there was evidence that someone had been in my apartment but I don't think they were done yet...

So, we'll see how that turns out.

On the plus side, I have great ideas for my apartment. Let's start with the dining room. During my tenure as a husband I really wasn't able to do much with the decor in the house... not that my ex did either. Anyway, now that I have full control of my place I wanna bring the interior designer in me! meow!

About six months ago I bought a diner-style table at the flea market that had some vinyl records embedded on the the top. The table came with four swivel chairs which I'm working on redecorating. I will post more on that. With that in mind I decided I want a music themed dining room.

I have sketched out some ideas. I wanted to put my old vinyl albums and covers to good use instead of giving them to Goodwill as I've done in the past.

What had already been decided, even before this project came to fruition, was the color I wanted on the walls. I've always been obsessed with dark reds bordering violet/black. Not sure why. But I knew that's the color I wanted my dining room since it roughly matches the dining room set I'd already purchased.

We finally decided on Behr's Premium Plus Ultra's version of Red Pepper.

My dining room is relatively small so we only purchased one gallon thinking we'd rather run back to Home Depot for a quart if we ran out instead of ended up with paint we'll never use again.

Fortunately, the paint, which I highly recommend, goes on think and in one coat. After a couple of hours we pimped the wall from the plain off-white shown above to the cool vampire blood red in the pic below.

Now, on to decoration; before we painted the room i came up with the sketches below and some ideas for the music theme:

Option 1:

Option 1 has a descending step pattern of vinyl album covers which begins on two adjacent sides of the wall and a third in the opposite direction farthest away from the original pattern. In my sketch above I miscalculated the size of the right hand side wall so you will have to use your imagination a bit. The pattern will actually start at the top of the two adjacent walls to the left hand side. It will start with one album cover, then gradually add one more with each step down. Becky and I liked a modified version of this which you will find further down.

Option 2:

This option has two rows of album covers running along the three walls followed by a row of un-framed vinyl albums. That's it, no other decoration on the wall so far.

Option 3:

This is very similar to the option above except that it has a row of album covers on top followed by a random pattern of vinyl albums, 45's and CD's scattered through the rest of the wall. Becky thought this was cluttered and unpleasing to the eye.

Option 4:

Here we have a top row of un-framed vinyl followed by a row of album covers.

Option 5:

Simple, two rows of album covers. Nothing more.

Option 5:

Option five has FRAMED vinyl albums scattered throughout the walls. No album covers, just the framed vinyl. I'm not sure I like this one.

Option 6:

This one seems to be the winner so far. It is the same as Option 1 but we will add un-framed vinyl albums and CDs scattered throughout the wall. I think this is the one I like the most so far.

I would like to hear what you guys think or any new ideas.


Akilah said...

Well .. love the color .. its the same color as my bedroom!

I love your Rock and Roll idea .. that shit is gonna be bananas!

You got me cracking up with the sketches!

I think I dig Option 1, the best!

Javier Mejia said...

What!? My sketches ROCK ASS!!!! yeah, I think it's gonna be awesome. Living room is gonna be this cool glazed blue I saw at Home Depot.

So you're coming to Char-latte to the party when I throw it, right?

Mary said...

I think you should keep the albums useable. Have a nice display that invites visitors to play them and have a turntable to play them on.

Javier Mejia said...

That's an excellent idea!!!! That way I can use the excuse that I "HAVE" to buy more albums to keep the idea fresh! yay!!!!