Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Las Tias arrived on Sunday.

Well, my aunts arrived on Sunday evening which was July 4. We had planned to go down town for Skyshow 2004 but they were too tired to so we ended up on Carowinds' Nights of Fire display... which, I might add, was quite a dissapointment. Anyway, that night we bought booze and we had a big dinner and fun and blah blah blah....

The following day we didn't do much... mostly try to get rid of the hang over. Me and Felicia had been cleaning the house for a week now and still have not finished... LOL. Not to mention that the-little-tornado-formerly-known-as-Fabianna fucks everything up in her path after we clean it up! Economically we're still pretty fucked but we don't lack love amongst ourselves to make up for that... (awwwwww... another hallmark moment comment).

Speaking of which, Fabianna has become unbearably spoiled... she's constantly whinning and crying about everything... she might be teething though... who knows... she didn't come with instructions...

Yesterday, my aunts and my family went to a casino in the mountains. Today my moms told me the trip wasn't worth it. I think we're going to SC this weekend to hit more casinos... I've never been in a casino so I think it will be kidna cool.... You're so money, man.

Anyway, the softball season for the Whistleblowers (fanfarres!) starts this Sunday. From what I hear there are 8 other teams (from other companies I assume), each team MUST HAVE a minimum of 4 female players. It's not really softball... more like a loosely based game that resembles it but has to be made rather easy for the overweighted, junk food junky, desk jockeys such as myself. Anyway, the sad news is that I got an email today saying we don't play this Sunday because there's too many teams. You can go here for a peep at the schedule.

I would like to take this time to point out a few of the names of the teams we're up against...

    Be All You Can Drink
    Big Knockers
    Boxing Midgets
    Pimps and Nymphs!
    and of course, the always classic and necessary
    STROKE IT!!!!!!

Who the fuck names a baseball team, STROKE IT?!?!!?!?! So as of right now I don't know when our first game starts, which may be a good thing because I don't even have a glove....

well that's all for today.



Anonymous said...



Javier Mejia said...

