Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Ryan and Jess, Softball, Fucked Up Leg and other calamities.

Well, Ryan and Jess are becoming closer to me and Felicia. I kinda like the fact that we can have a couple friendship with them. Mutual, married friends. On Friday, they hung out with us at my mom's and we had a good time. Ryan told me Jessica loved playing and holding the girls. The following day they wanted to go to Club 2000 but we were unable to due to lack of funds. Later we found out the club had closed down. Well, I don't really like hip hop clubs that much anyway... Felicia and Jessica then wanted to go to H20 but that's been closed down due to shooting and excessive violence... mmmh... surprise, surprise...
Anyway, someone at work told me we should take them to Club Savoy which is supposed to be an R&B/Hip-Hop club with an older, more mature crowd. So we're gonna give it a try soon.

On Saturday, Eugene got me and Ricky addicted to poker. I'd never played before but we had so much fun. Now I want to play all the time. He bought a bunch of chips and decks and that's what we play with cuz we're all too cheap to use real money. We do plan to use real money but not until we get good at it. And even when we do, we're gonna use very, very small amounts... like in the cents area.

On Sunday, I had my first softball practice with some of the guys in the team. None of the girls showed up and none of the newer employees showed up either. That was just fine with me, all the guys, with the exception of one I knew. I found out that I SUCK!. There's only one guy worse than me and that's just plain sad. So, I've decided to play as much as I can until I get good at it. Anyway, somebody, I can't remember who, hit a ground ball and me being 6'2" and completely unarticulated wasn't unable to end all the way down fast enough to get it. The fucking thing hit me in my leg and the motherfucker has been hurting since. I've been limping since the darn thing hit me. I've realized I suck at trying to catch groundballs. But I am awesome at playing first base cuz I am so tall and no matter how bad they throw the damn ball, I can catch it by just stretching a little.. LOL. Our first game is in two weeks so hopefully I'll be ready by then.

I guess that's it... I really enjoyed doing the top 20 list about the coolest film character so I am gonna do more of those and post them in my blog.... cuz I have nothing better to do with it... LOL... ok, bye, I have to go get it ready.

Here be the Wednesday Whatevers.

1. Can you really learn about yourself from quizzes?

2. What do you think you feel after you are dead?
The same you felt before you were born

3. Who is to blame or credit for the state of our economy?
Martin Lawrence... fuck if I should know!

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