Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Sorta Fixed my blog

Well, I received an email from BloggerPro2 about not being able to align my posts to the top of the page and this is what they said.

"Hi there,

On occasion, the side-bar will shift when the content contained within
side-menu extends the column beyond its designated width. We recommend
reviewing the content in both columns to identify items that may be
causing column expansion. In most cases, long links and wide images are
the cause of the problem.

Weeeeell, since I have no idea how to do this cuz I've tried shirking my images as much as possible without any success, I just got rid of the sidebar all together. I figured, the only two things there are the link to the posts that ARE FUCKING VISIBLE IN THIS PAGE! and the archives... well, I got rid of the link and moved the archive links to the bottom of the blog... not that anybody ever uses them, but it's nice to know they're there. So, hopefully the template won't give me any more problems.

Today I feel rather content, I have no idea why.... work is not bothering, the facts that I am incredibly broke and hungry do not bother me, the idiotic calls I've been getting do not bother me... all in all, for some reason, today I feel alive.

Me and James are going to go practice softball this weekend because our first game in on July 11. I haven't played BB since I was like 10 or so. I hope I don't make a fool of myself (more than usual anyway). I don't even have a glove, I have to go buy a cheap one this weekend so we can practice. I haven't received my Whistleblowers jersey either.... I really want to see it though.

My aunts are arriving from Brownsville for two weeks on July 3. My mom has appointed me the de facto tour fucking guide... I hate playing host or guide... I don't do too well. Anyway, so far, the only think I have come up with is the Skyshow. We think we might go to the mountains but I only have the weekends off and the first week they are here they will actually travel to Florida and spend it there.... So I don't know what the fuck is going on. If anybody has any ideas on what to do in this glorious red-mudded state (bursts in sarcastic laughter) let me know, I would really appreciate it.

Wednesday Whatevers.

1. Does time pass by too quickly?
YES! Especially now that I have two daughter... weeks seem like days and days seem like hours. I am going to day really, really soon

2. Can money buy happiness?
I think so, and anybody who says no, come live with us for a week.

3. Is freedom of speech a privilege or a right?
A few years ago I would have said a right, right now with all the braindead, pretentious, oversensitive shit regurgitated out there (and not only in the media) I think it should be a priviledge only a few should have.


Anonymous said...

Gimme a "C"

Anonymous said...

Gimme an "H"

Anonymous said...

Gimme an "A"

Anonymous said...

Gimme an "R"

Anonymous said...

What does that spell ....

Anonymous said...


Javier Mejia said...

You're a