Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Good Times.
Any time you meet a payment.
Good Times.
Anytime you need a friend.
Good Times.

Any time you're out from under.
Not getting hastled, not getting hustled
Keepin' your head above water,
Making a wave when you can.

Temporary lay-offs.
Good Times.
Easy credit rip-offs.
Good Times.
Scratchin' and surviving.
Good Times.
Hanging in a chow line.
Good Times.
Ain't we lucky we got'em
Good Times?

Anyway, BLOGGER, who is my blog host has relaunched their service and it is kick fucking ass now! I hate they did it to rivalize and resemble that of Livejournal's. Anyway, the new formula is the best! I love it... Big thanks to them... especially cuz this service is FREE!

Anyway, our real life revival of the Evans Family everyday drama in the new millennium is going according to script. We have pretty much reached rock bottom. We literally are fucking broke! Thank God our families are very supportive and understanding. I mean, it's not like I don't have a "GOOD PAYING JOB" (or at least that's what you'd think from a position that DEMANDS a college degree). Yet, we are always broke... loans, bills, debts and a million other things just keep popping up.... It's getting really, really bad. Felicia can't find a job and she get really sad about that. I wish she could find a job soon so she'd be happy. I am also looking for a part time and in the process a higher paying full time. But the job market, at least in my field and the fields I am interested in (Human Resources mostly) are scant at best. We're getting really desperate. This pay period coming up, we practically already owe everything I'm expected to get... Maybe I should start considering a life of crime... after all, I am Mexican... I have the thug gene in me somewhere... hehehe. Maybe I should start small with like luxury car hubcaps or something... haha

Yesterday at work I think something bit me. I have no idea what it was... anyway, at first my right hand started itching really bad so obviously I started scratching it (Yay! for cause and effect). I noticed a had a large mildly red bruise where I had scratched. No pain though. By this morning the bruise turned a dark red hue. Still no pain. Now it's still a dark red but I can feel it burn a little... like little beetie pins going into my skin but only when I rub it (and don't ask why I rubbed it, I just did, ok?). For the past few minutes I've felt a tingling sensation to where you can't really tell if it's pain or not... but it's there... my peer are telling me to go to the ER but I still have an hour to go and I don't wanna lose that hour. Maybe a dingo bat bit me.... ummm... what the fuck is a dingo bat?

Well, I went to Yahoo and did a search and it turns out a Dingo is not even a bat... it's a dog type animal. Uh, go figure... I don't think it was a Dingo that bit me though.

Meet my new friend, The Dingo

Anyway, I'll let it ride for tonight (although now my arm is getting kinda numb) and I will see what happens tomorrow... unless I wussy out and it gets worse tonight... hehe...

Oh shit... too much shit in my life right now... WHO NEEDS A BEER?!

Wednesday Whatevers.

1. Would you want an arranged marriage or choose your own? Why?
Choose my own... what the fuck do you mean why? I am not answering that on general principle... Besides, I am already married and I CHOSE Felicia (Thank God she chose me too otherwise I would have to have settled for second best).

2. What would you sacrifice for someone else?
My life for Felicia and my daughters.

3. Do you think God has a gender? If so, what is it?
No, I don't think God is tangible hence it cannot have gender. But in all the full glory of my self righteous maleness, I do refer to God as a "He".

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