Tuesday, October 07, 2003

This weekend was cool, my aunt Laura sent a bottle of tequila from Mexico for my b-day (although I don't drink tequila, I'm a beer man). Anyway, my brother had the bright idea of making "palomazos" which are just tequila with grapefruit soda and salt. By the fourth or fifth one I was soooo nauseated I stopeed drinking. I was not nauseated cuz I was drunk, actually, it didn't even get me buzzed. But so much freaking grapefruit soda just made me plain sick. So, that part sucked...lol...but we still have enough tequila to get a bunch of shots.

Sunday was cool, me, Felicia, Ricky and my moms went to the annual Latin American Festival at the Mint Museum of Art. It was pretty cool. The music was your typical crappy staple latin music. But everything else was pretty decent. We saw stuff from all the Latin American countries and ate some pretty decen Latin cuisine. It was pretty cool.

Nothing else happened since. work, work, work work, work,work.....beer tonight....work, work, work, work.....

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