Tuesday, October 12, 2004


We have been in our new apartment since September 25 (the day of my Bday by the way) and we still haven't fixed the place up. Everything is still boxed up and the clothes are scattered all over the bedroom. The apartment is tiny, much, much smaller than the one in Pineville. Of course, it is also much cheaper. I really want this apartment to be more habitable than the one in Pineville. We have agreed to take the entire weekend fixing it up so it would be ready by the weekend following. We plan to throw like a little cookout or something for close friends and family just for the fuck of it.

Financially, we're still in the hole but it seems that we've been doing better. Aside from the $30 we, idiotically spent on Sunday when we went to Tres Pesos with Ryan and Jessica. I had two beers, that alone was $7. Oh well, I need to control my impulses. I am an impulse buyer though and it's hard to control my impulses.

Last night we put up some flyers around our new complex for a babysitter. Earlier today I received a call from a very nice lady. We spoke and she sounded nice and eloquent (as opposed to the obviously rural uneducated slang of Nublia's dad). But she said for the money we were offering it will be virtually impossible to find someone to take care of the girls at home with my mom. Sadly, we cannot afford anymore. Neither Felicia nor my mom value her opinion because, well, because she's a prospect employee so to speak so she'd obviously want more money. I don't know, my mom is in desperate need for some help...

I told you guys I joined that online beer loving group called Donkey Punch. It's been going great. These guys are hilarious and a bunch of bastards but they are cool as hell. Unfortunately I haven't had the change to meet them yet. Mostly because I can't go out for two main reasons. The first is the money issue and the second is because I lost my ID and I can't get another one. I actually lost my wallet and all my info. I have to get another SS card and other info before I can get a picture ID because you NEED A PICTURE ID TO GET A PICTURE ID?!?!?!?!?! WTF?

That's all... bye.


Anonymous said...

duh!! just go to the DMV and get a duplicate driver's license!!! and back to beer-drinking you go!!

Javier Mejia said...

Tried that, the guy said without proof of who I am they cannot release a duplicate. Which to me sounds ridiculous because they have my info WITH PICTURE on file... so I don't see his point.