Friday, October 15, 2004


So yesterday neither Felicia nor me reported to our respective jobs because we were sick as hell. Probably something we ate and I don’t care to go into details… hehe.

Well, Felicia progressively hates her job more and more. I can understand how she feels because although Time Warner was not as bad as CIGNA, they are kinda the same. It is bullshit there, not only does she only get two ten-minute breaks and a half an hour lunch but she is EXPECTED to take 100 calls per day. Calls from pissed off customers, providers and nursing staff dealing with the neglects of the company. I can only imagine what type of hell they go through because they are practically enslaved to their desks with stats on how fast they took the call, how long, how long it took them to expedite it, to hang up, to wrap up, etc, etc… They are treated like machines rather than humans.

Well, Greg from Donkey Punch invited us to a Halloween party on the 30th. Of course, we MUST dress up. I was planning on going as Otis from House Of 1000 Corpses.

But since I don’t have any contacts the costume will look dorky if I wear my rimmed glasses. I am now in desperate need for another costume where I can wear my glasses cuz I’m legally blind without them. Any ideas? (And no, I will not dress up like Bill Gates or fucking WALDO!!!)

We finally ordered our digital cable that will be installed on Saturday. I need to set up all the games, DVD’s, VCR’s and other paraphernalia before they show up cuz those damn techs are lazy as a motherfucker. I can’t wait for cable… it’s been like 6 months without cable due… IT SUCKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update on Fabi’s words…

  • Ahi Viene (Here “he/she” comes)
  • Coca (Coke)
  • Cheese
  • Papa (food)
  • Ice
  • Tati (which she uses to refer to any baby or doll)
  • Tee (which is her version of “Aqui” that mean “Here”)
  • Thank you
  • Hola
  • Hi

And when I remember more I will post more… I haven’t been able to post more pics cuz I have not Internet at home. But I will update soon


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