Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Well, Labor day weekend SUCKED ASS!!! On Saturday my family threw a little cook out and I ended up staying up until like 5 am drinking. The following day I had probably the worst hang over I've had in years. I realized it was caused by not going to sleep when I wanted to. At about 4 I told Gene that I wanted to go home but he insisted on going to Steak and Shake. So we did and that's when I realized I don't lose control when I am drunk until I don't want to be awake anymore. Needless to day, I lost it cuz I didn't want to be awake anymore. I threw up all over their bathroom and shit. It was nasty. After I went home I had a restless night and the headache woke me up the following morning. I was able to shake the hangover until late that afternoon. From now on, is on to sleep as soon as my body demands to.

Sunday morning Felicia, my mom, the girls and I went to the Barnyard II Flea Market

We had a really good time, of course, the little-tornado-formerly-known-as-Fabianna came out with a ridiculous amount of toys, clothes and goodies cuz she wouldn't put anything down after she picked it up. I bought a first release, almost mint condition Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack LP for $1!!!

It currently goes for about $30 but I don't think the little Mexican lady selling it knew that. I will go back soon because I saw some other awesome albums there that I want. We also bought a double stroller for the girls and had some good ass NY style pizza. All in all, it was a good day.

Monday, I spent most of the day just lounging around watching TV. For the past few weeks I've been really getting into these two books. One is about a virus that wipes out most of the world's civilization (think The Stand without the whole good against evil shit and more from a scientist's POV or if you don't read think 28 Days Later) and the other is about flying saucers... I kinda just started that one so I'm not too sure what the fuck is going on. The first on is called The Blood Artists and the second one is called Spinners. I don't know why I mentioned this since it really has nothing to do with anything... but at least now you know what I am reading.

We're still looking for an apartment. But since I lost my ID, I have to get a new one before we can go in an visit any of them. Hopefully I will get one tomorrow or the day after.

I guess that's it...

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