Monday, August 02, 2004



Finally we'll be able to try to get out of this economic cesspool and move on with our lives. As I mentioned before, she will be working at CIGNA and will be making really decent money. Ok, one drawback, they start as a temp employees through another company and depending on their performance they either get hired as CIGNA employees or canned. I know Felicia is an excellent worker and she will do her best to excel. Ryan's wife, Jessica also works there and it took her six months to become a CIGNA employee. From what we hear, the job is hectic cuz they get shitloads of calls but hopefully she'll be able to manage. Economically though, things are catching up with us so hopefully we can make it stick for another few weeks until we both get paid (THE SAME DAY, YAY!) and try to make some payments. I am sooooo happy for her and us in general... things will get better soon, I can tell!!!

Ok, the sucky part is that we kinda have opposite schedules. See works from from like 8:30 am until 4:30 pm (Until November when she's out of training and then she'll be 9 am - 6pm.) and I work 12 pm to 9 pm. Our plan right now, since my mom will take care of the girls until we find a sitter, is that she will eave and the morning and I have to get the girls up and ready to take them to my mom's and then come to work. Of course, she will pick them up after work and bring them home (and hopefully put them to sleep before I get there, hehe). I know we're gonna miss the fuck out of each other since we really won't be able spend time together until after I get out of work and weekends. I've decided, for now, to drop the softball team because I don't want it to interfere in what little time I have to spend with her. So, aside from this, everything else seems to be pretty Kosher.

We've also decided(mostly at the request of Serg and my moms) that until Ricky returns to school, my mom will watch the girls at her house and then we will hire someone (probably some young illegal rural girl from some South American country but of course preferably Mexico, hehe) to go to my mom's house and help her with the girls. We're still looking into it and I've plastered flyers to interview them all over the south side.

Ok, let's see.... I believe that's everything....

Tomorrow I will post another one of my lame lists.... the 10 worst movies I've ever seen!!!!! SNOOGANS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in response to your post on my site: well, buddy, i have a little vice that most everyone has fallen victim to at one time or another. Flattery. Its a weakness of mine, that i'm pretty good at fighting, but every now and then it goes to my head. On my side of the issue, i've done absolutely nothing wrong, except have lunch with him a few times and talk with him on sunday. But i see her concern; from what i've been able to pry out of mr man, he's cheated on her once before and so has she (cheated on him). In fact the lady he cheated on her with had a baby and he took care of the her and the child for years, until a dna & blood test proved that child wasn't his. and he had just confessed to his wife his indiscrestion at the time. craziness. He says she rants and raves about how all i want to go is get preggers by him and get money from him. Hey, the kid is not trying to get pregnant by *anybody* (lol) let alone him!
posted by: your little ray of sunshine.