Friday, February 27, 2004

So last night I had to share a duplex-type room with James in the hotel. It was cool, we each had a big ass room with bathrooms and then of course we shared the kitchen and living room. I got the king size bed though! HEHEHEHEHE... Well, we got out of work at 10 pm and we went to the parking lot to get our cars, drive to Harris Teeter (a local grocery store) to buy toiletries (hehe, that sounded gayish again) and beer. When I stepped out to the parking lot the snow was up to my knees!!!! Now, I am 6'2" and the fucking snow was UP TO MY KNEES!!!! I'm like, OH SHIT, we're not getting out of here... The snow was falling heavily and it was windy as hell. There were huge chunks of ice flakes making it hard to keep your head straight before they stung your eyes. When I got out to the parking lot, James (another James) and Scott were out there trying to move their cars and they told me they couldn't so they were walking to the hotel. The hotel is not that far away, maybe half a mile... but the snow was knee deep! So me and james decided that we would give a shot and move ours. After about 20 minutes of futile attempts to move our little cars...
I drive a Nissan 200SX

and he rides a Honda Civic

we gave up and started walking to the hotel room. It was funny, we looked like hikers in the Andes or something... LOL. James was fucking dying cuz he's even more out of shape than I. Almost right before we got there we decided to go to the gas station next to the hotel (well, almost next to the hotel) and got some beer... LOL! The rest of the night was pretty much watching tv and drinking nasty Tecate beer.

I felt bad about leaving Felicia alone with the babies. But even if I had chosen to go home instead of staying at the hotel I would not have been able to get the car out of the snow. Today, I've been here since 10 am and I still have 5 more hours to go before I can go home and see my family. I am really missing them right now. But fortunately we have the entire weekend to look forward to. I want to take Fabianna to play in the snow with Sharmeen's kids. I want to hold Larissa and kiss and hug my wife... I am such a fucking Kodak moment commercial cliche sometimes... lol.

I was finally able to take my car off the snow earlier today. The roads are pretty clear but the non circulated areas are still covered with snow. I hope it doesn't melt by tomorrow. Tonight we are supposed to be in the 20's so it will freeze hopefully keeping the snow a little longer so I can take Fabianna to play. I feel tired as hell, I don't know why. I slept ok last night... aside form the insomnia problem... I think I fell asleep around 3:30 am or so... woke up around 8:45 when Felicia called me. Maybe I'm just fed up of being here. But I don't mind the work so much, I guess I just feel bad that I'm inside when it's sooooo snowy outside... I love the snow. GOD!!!! FIVE MORE FUCKING HOURS... SOMEBODY SHOOT ME!!!! LOL....

Well, I guess I don't have anything more to write... Here are the Friday five.

1. Where are you right now?
Sadly, at work.

2. What have you lost recently?
My will to go out and party every weekend... married life! DAMNS YOU MARRIED LIFE! DAMNS YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now?
I really do not recall the first CD I ever bought, but I recall the first tape I ever bough. It was Appetite for Destruction by Guns N' Roses. No, I am not ashamed now, I consider it one of the Heavy Metal masterpieces of all times. If you ever want to show some alien, caveman, amish, jehova's witness or someone who's been living under a rock all his or her life what Rock N' Roll is, and I'm talking about pure, unadulterated Rock N' Roll, play Appetite for Destruction for them. It's the personification of Rock N' Roll at its decadent finest. But in the early nineties, during my grunge days in Seattle, I was ashamed of admitting to listening to them... LOL.

4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen?

5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia

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