That's right... unbeknownst to moi, Ayiana left me a message!! SWEET DEAL!
But anyway, I read the post and some of the follow-ups in the link you left. I really don't get involved in online arguments but especially about religion, politics and race. I mean, everyone has their own beliefs and no matter what you say or how blatantly you can prove someone wrong, it won't affect how they feel or their point of view. Just as, for the most part, they won't change mine no matter how poorly they speak of my "peeps". Fortunately, the vas majority of us not driven by prejudice, hate or racism are more flexible and open to other points of view of ourselves and other cultures.
This dude is particularly vicious though... lol... I mean, he really hates Mexicans, doesn't he? The way I see it, is that most of these people are afraid... afraid of what? You inquiring little munchkins ask. Well, I look at it this way.. The way this country currently is was founded by foreigners. And as we all know, it wasn't in a civil or amicable way. It was taken by force and virtual genocide of its original inhabitants. So, in a way, foreigners from Europe came to this area and raped it out of it's current government and belief system, its inhabitants, its culture and ITS LANGUAGES!!. Same as Spaniards did to then-unfounded "Mexican" Indians.
Now, fast forward to the year 2004. Although I truly don't believe our little friend, 1215 really feels the way he so eloquently expressed himself in his post, there are many people who do. My take on it, like I stated above, is fear... they're afraid that we, Mexicans (and Hispanics in general) will rape their precious land of it's current government and belief system, its inhabitants (mostly by interracial breeding rather than homicide and torture), its culture and of course its language (hau doo chu gringos say? What goes around comes around????) . We already practically took back the Southwest including Texas, Nevada, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and the motherload... California. (Now that I think about it, the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans have pretty much the Northeast and the Cubans have Florida, lol) Give a few more terms and from then on, every governor of California will be Mexican. We are going to do, whether we're doing it consciously or unconsciously, the same exact thing the forefathers did to the Indians. They're gonna live in scattered, trailer park and extremely poor reservations around the country (I.E. "And if you look at the little white lady over there holding the Strawberry and Kiwi Mad Dog 20/20, you can see her putting the finishing touches on her traditional American quilt, an art that was passed down from generation to generation amongst her people until it became a pathetic symbol of what this land used to be before the Mexicans took over government forcing them to sell their little arts and crafts on the side of the road and outside of casinos"). That, I believe is what they're afraid of. And since legally there isn't shit they can do... they have to resort to extreme vigilante groups such as the American Border Patrol and others (which have nothing to do with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Border Patrol).
To be perfectly honest with you, I don't see life this way, divided by races or ethnic groups in a negative manner. For example, I never noticed, until someone brought it up, that there was no ethnicity in our management team at work (Actually, they just appointed a new black girl as acting team lead so that little problem is solved). I, personally, have never been exposed to discrimination or racism and what little nuggest of it that I've been exposed to has not come from whites or europeans. Sadly the race problems I've had have been with Blacks (especially males since they see I stole one of their fine ass honeys, LOL!!!!) and Chicanos (Mexicans born in the U.S.). I mentioned the post to Eugene (who's half Korean and half white)and he did bring up a point that I hadn't though of before. No matter in how many languages the signs that 1215 bitched so much about are, IT IS STILL WRITTEN IN ENGLISH FIRST AND FOREMOST! So, read your language and don't look at the one in Spanish... simple as that! No harm, no foul.
To be completely fair though, there is something to be said about certain types of Mexican and Hispanic immigrants in this country as a whole (as I am sure Asians, Africans and other nationalities have the same types of complaints). Many Mexicans come here not expecting but demanding to be given a free hand out and live off the government. I've experienced this first hand in Brownsville, Houston and even Charlotte. People who believe that they don't speak English is the government's problem to solve, not theirs. People who demand that the government publishes shit in Spanish or they won't abide by the law or claim ignorance on a specific process or procedure. A lot of this people have a poor attitude and are the first to yell discrimination or racism because the non-hispanic teller at the local grocery store took too fucking long to count their change. I have not respect for shit like that, I myself would rather not be represented or lumped into the same group of Mexicans that live off the government. And don't get me wrong, if you need government assistance you need it, I'm all for that. Shit, my mom had to work two jobs in Brownsville and ask for food stamps to get us through middle and high school. But she worked, she moved forward, she saved she got herself and us out of that situation. She doesn't need to do that anymore, she can live on her own and succeed on her own. She's still trying to learn English and she's almost there now. But I've seen people who've sat in this country for decades and can't even spell the name of the fucking city they live in but they name their little kids Brian or Kelly (LOL)! When I was working at Time Warner I had a pissed off customer that was raising hell at me cuz his cable contract in Charlotte, NC U.S.A. wasn't in Spanish. I had to straight up tell him to fuck off and buy "Ingles Sin Barreras" or "Follow me" or some shit like that... the fucking nerve!
All in all, I don't get offended by racist or demeaning remarks against my culture or my language. It's mine, they don't have to like it or even accept it I do... I love it and cherish it. Yesterday Felicia asked me, after I told her about this link, if I would get insulted if someone called me a Spic *A highly offensive term referring to a Spanish-speaking person from Mexico, Central or South America, Spain, or Portugal. It doesn't, it never has and I don't think it ever will. She told me that I'm too laid back... I am, but I realized such "terms of endearment" mean nothing.. You’re insulting something I have no control over. I didn't ask to be born in Mexico or Spanish to be my language... it just is. I would be just as proud if I was Laotian, Lebanese, Scottish or Nigerian If you don't like it, that's fine with me... So, as long as that person doesn't take a personal or physical jab at me or my family and friends, you can call me whatever the fuck you want... it won't change who I am, who you are, where I come from or the fact that
Sorry, La Raza took over me for a second there... darn those Aztec Warriors, they still have a lot of influence in modern day Mexicans.
Actually, I really don't think (or hope) that any one race will take over any country. But I had to come up with something better for Ayiana than I really just don't care about what that little minority group of "prejudistic" (yes, I know that's not really a word) assholes think. The Mexican population makes up for one of the best marketing targets in this country and as long as that is so, cell phone, cable, dish, restaurants and many other industries will tell you to shove your English sign before they shelf the Spanish one cuz they can milk more money with flashy and catchy pseudo pro-Hispanic advertisement (i.e. Ronald McDonald singing "pa, pa pa, pa pa, me encanta") out of an uneducated Mexican construction worker than an educated white boy (i.e. "Are you in?")