Tuesday, June 22, 2004

New lay out


I can't seem to bring my post up to the top of the page... anybody has any ideas on how to solve this?

Well, as you can obviously see, I changed the lay out of my blog. Simply because trying to fix some HTML quirks on the mermaid one I ruined everything and I was too lazy to start from scratch. This one is one of the ones Blogger presets for it's users and I didn't think it was that bad so I used it. I don't plan on modifying it too much (at least not anytime soon).

I want a picture of my entire family on the upper left hand side corner of the blog where there's currently a pic of me and Fabi. But I haven't taken any that we like.

Currently I have not internet at home so I can only access the internet at work or at my mom's house. It sucks though, I was soo used to it. I returned it cuz Earthlink was just not cutting it with the service... well, I shouldn't say Earthlink since Time Warner was the provider. Anyway, got tired of getting booted off line every 15 minutes so I disconnected. I also need to wipe my computer's hard drive clean. Aside form the pictures and the illicit music there's nothing of value there and I got fucked over with all the spyware shit flying around (mostly out of porno sites, lol).

I found a person who saw and reviewed the movie Go-Bots: War of the Rock Lords. But as opposed to me, he apparently didn't think it was that bad and found it rather enjoyable... I pity da fool! Actually, this person's reviews are awesome and hilarious.

check it out

The link for the Go-Bots review is


I think that's it for today.

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