Monday, April 12, 2004

Well, I think I got Larissa (pretty carrot) sick after Fabianna got me sick and I think Larissa got Felicia sick. So, now... we're a big, happy, sickly family.... we're all sick and none of can sleep cuz our noses are stuffed up and cough all night long. Fortunately we're taking them to the doctor tomorrow so they can get'em all fixed up.

Fabianna has been really picking up on lots of words lately. She's very smart. She can count (almost) up to five with somebody saying the numbers to her. Of course her pronunciation is not perfect but she's only a year and three months old... hehe. Fabianna has been really active lately. She's constantly jumping and wanting to play. This wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't tired all the time. I still haven't been able to go to the doctor to get my pills. But I'm working on it.

I wanted to take Fabianna to an egghunt hosted by 107.9 The Link in Matthews but we were so sick we didn't have time to go. Fortunately she's too small to remember but next year I will definitely take her to an egg hunt.

I don't feel like writing in blog today... so I'm gonna stop now...


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