Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Let's see, the quest for perfection isn't going too well.... Fabianna has really screwed up her sleeping habits and now she doesn't go sleep til 1 or 2 in the morning. We have the same problem with Larissa but she stays up even later. This has caused me to be excessively tired every morning and not get up in time to do much of anything. At work though, I have been maintaining a great performance by not slacking off and focusing on my job. You know what I've found out? It has made my job more enjoyable, easier and makes the day go by faster. I see James or other people around me getting frustrated the way I used to get. I don't do that anymore... I don't let myself get frustrated with the people I deal with at work because whatever their problem is, it's not mine and if I get frustrated with them I will end up hating my job and slacking off again. I've always been able to do this, set a goal and keep it or reach it rather easily. The problem is, rarely do I ever set goals in my life... sad, huh? I've had no problems keeping up with work. The problems have been mostly been at home since the kids tire the hell out of me. I have not been able to see the doctor for my Synthroid pills since something unexpected came up and I have no money for the copay. This payperiod coming up I should be able to get that and other things I need to start my new (hopefully better) life.

Felicia is still looking for a job, currently she is helping her dad with one of the banks the way we used to early last year. It's no much, but it's better than nothing. My baby wants a job really bad and I know she will find one really soon. Serg wasn't able to take Fabi to the Easter egg hunt last weekend cuz according to his company it was only for employees and their spouses and kids. Hopefully this weekend we will either get together at a park with the kids and Sharmeen's.

Speaking of kids, Fabianna is sick yet again... This time though, she got me sick too. I have been sick all weekend. But she has been too and I hate it because she can't even sleep peacefully with her little nose stuffed up and the coughing. She also has a runny nose and lots of phlegm. This morning I was trying to rub some Vick's VapoRub on her and when I turned away for a second, se grabbed a big glob of it and trying to imitate me, slapped it all over her face. The shit got in her eyes and all over her hair and face. It was hard to get it off her eyes becaue she was crying and rubbing them. Finally, I squirted almost a whole bottle of Visine in her eyes while rubbing them with a soft cloth. It was bad, but fortunately nothing serious. On Monday I felt so sick I had to call out from work. I felt lightheaded and weak.... almost as if I was high... LOL. Sadly, I wasn't... just sick.

A little while ago, I helped train this other communications specialist at work. He is a white guy named Ryan. Today, he showed me pictures of his wife and his wedding. He is also in an interracial marriage with a black woman. When I was training him a couple of weeks ago, he told me his wife is a... shit I forgot..... she's either a Jehova's Witness or a Mormon.... I think a Jehova's witness. Anyway, and I told him my wife was a 7th day Adventist. He is atheist and I am agnostic... (not the same, but pretty similar). So I figured, we're both in interracial relationships and we both have wives that belong to very tightly knit religious organizations that we don't belong to, so maybe we could hang out sometime with our mutual wives (all together at the same time.. to DINNER you pervs!). Me and Felicia do not have any partner friends such as a girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife couple to hang out with. My friends are not the most apt to hang out with my wife cuz they're crude, lewd and obnoxious like yours truly. So, I emailed him a few minutes ago. I will wait for his response to see what happens.

Last Friday night me, Serg and Eugene went to Wild Wing Cafe to see McFly. I really love this band. Mcfly is a 80's cover band with the coolest act and outfits. Not to mention the hot chicks... LOL. Man, it was cool... we had a good time. After that we went home and drank for a little more. Lately, I've barely had the change to enjoy anything because the babies have been such a handful.

Ok.. well, I guess that's it.... here are the Wednesday Whatevers.

1. Would you rather be alone or surrounded by enemies for the rest of your life, and why?
Alone! I can either go insane of loneliness or I can lose my mind by being tortured by my enemies... I think I'd just go insane by myself.

2. Would you choose an eternal but cursed life, or death? Why?
Death, because I cannot grasp the concept of eternity and that could lead to my insanity as well

3. What 5 websites do you visit first everyday?
This one was random compared to the last two! Anyway, the five websites I visit are:
  • Yahoo for my e-mail.
  • Engrish and All Dumb for fun.
  • The Onion for the latest pseudo cool news for pseudo cool people.
  • The last one would be My own blog.

    Ryan, just emailed me back and said it would be cool if we hung out.... but it's nine and I have to go home so we will dicuss this later.