Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Ok, we really fucked up on Saturday because we spent the first half of the day shopping for things for the party but the second half buying clothes and going to Concord Mills. So Saturday we didn't get to do shit.

On Sunday, my mom started shit at 6:30 am and by the time I woke up at my house around 7:30 am Felicia had already finished her green bean casserole (God knows how long she'd been up). So I head to my mom's to start getting everything ready. From 8 am until 11 am we spent running round town buying more things. Bear in mind, the party started at 1:30 pm. Finally we get home and we start running like crazy trying to get everything done. Finally 1:30 rolled around and we were maybe, at best 3/4 finished. The decorations weren't up, some of the food wasn't ready and the tables and chairs were not arranged.

Fortunately, nobody showed up until a little after 2 pm and the first people were Coni and her clan. Coni, being a friend of the family, helped get most of the stuff ready so by the time the guests started arriving most of the stuff was done. It was fucking hectic though.

So the party got started and the clown arrived just in time. Enough kids were there by the time the clown arrived and they had a ball. From there, everything went smoothly and the party was awesome.

I want to immensely thank Ryan and Jessica for DJ the party for FREE!!. He has an awesome system and the greatest selection of music if you ever need a DJ in the Charlotte area. After all the kids left, Ryan, Jessica, Sharmeen, Felicia, Serg, Ricky and I started getting drunk and dancing until we couldn't dance no mo'. lol. The Bean was dancing like she had never danced before and it was a great way to end the night.

Here are some pictures.

This is where Yippie took a picture with most of the kids

This is Yippie himself in all his ethereal glory

Jess (Ryan's wife), The Bean and Felicia

The Bean trying to break the piñata

Yuppi made and gave Fabi a bracelet made out of a balloon

Fabi with her cake

The bean and my mom next to the piñata

The cake, it was supposed to be all Elmo but when Felicia went to pick it up they made it more like a Xmas cake. The girl said that there was nothing in the order noted regarding an Elmo cake. Felicia fought the girl until at least she gave her the Elmo figurines for free.

You can see the rest of the pictures here.


Anonymous said...

OMG, You mentioned me in your blog! That really made my day. Thank you!

Javier Mejia said...

It would be nice if I knew who the heck I mentioned... is this Ayiana?

Anonymous said...

Hey Update your freaking Blog DUDE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, It's me Ayiana. E-mail me when you get the chance. It's been FOREVER since we've talked and I lost your e-mail address. :-(