Monday, September 17, 2007


Have you guys seen these?

I've noticed these DVD dispensing machines a few months back but never gave it much of a thought. I mean, after reading that japan has vending machines that dispense used girls' panties it takes something totally radical to impress me. The notion of a DVD dispensing machine was a mere afterthought since I have a Netflix membership and there is a Blockbuster merely 3 building downs. I thought, nothing beats my Netflix! NOTHING! oh, how wrong I was.

So, this monument of consumerism is located right outside our friendly yet overpriced neighborhood Harris Teeter. This particular time we had the girls with us and Fabianna just HAD to notice they had a Bratz and a Barbie DVD right on display. So, like moths to a light bulb (it's moths rights?) we slowly approached the big red box with our fists up in the air in case it tried to attack us. Like every normal family we began sniffing and licking it and probing and kicking and shaking until Felicia had what drunks call a moment of clarity; Let's read the instructions!!! yay, what a concept. Anyway, it proved to be rather easy... almost a point & click structure. But the best part is that every DVD is only $1 a night! When we saw that I had a vision of myself clicking the "cancel membership" button on Netflix's homepage! It was totally awesome!

And don't think they have shitty movies that nobody wants to watch. My initial thought was, "well, how really don't feel like watching Meatballs 4 or Weekend at Bernie's". But again, I was proven wrong. Red Box actually has really good, new flick available!! Some titles include:

Blades of Glory
Disturbia (which is what we rented and SUCKED ASS!)
Hot Fuss (which I am getting today!)
Reno 911: Miami
Ghost Rider
Alpha Dog
Good Shepherd
UFC 69: Shootout

And shitload of other good, recent movies.

Here's another plus! You can sit in the comfort of your home or cubicle cell (as I am doing now) and select a movie. Then, after your parole is up you can swing by your nearest Red Box and pick it up! That's pure fucking genius!

I love this! I think it's a great idea and I hope that, unlike vending machines dispensing Rapsnacks (which is a post unto itself), Red Boxes stick around for years to come. This is the best thing since catfish hushpuppies!!!!

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