Friday, May 20, 2005

ROMANTICAL DINNER (yes, I am aware it's not a word)

Well, today I made reservations for a romantic dinner for Felicia and myself at Frankie's Italian Grille. Just the two of us... no girls... no yelling, no screaming, no crying, no paying attention to anything but each other. THIS IS GOING TO ROCK!. Felicia loves Frankie's, it's her favorite restaurant but it's sorta steep so we can only go so often. They actually have good food and this is coming from someone who doesn't really like Italian food. We haven't had alone time like that in a long, long time... we need it more often. I miss my baby... all day, every day we're struggling with the girls that we rarely get to enjoy each other's company and when the girls finally go to sleep, we're way to tired to stay up ourselves to do anything... we just lay down and look straight at the TV. sad..........

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