Monday, June 13, 2005


I really need to keep up with this blog. Well, since I last wrote I have completed the first newsletter for SOTAC. TO be honest, it was not hard to do but trying to collect all the information for all the events around the world can take quite some time. I really enjoyed myself creating it and it felt good to spend the weekend doing something productive other than watching TV or playing video games... haha.

Today, again I was offered to do another article for the next issue. I hope the projects just keep coming.

Also, the printed article I wrote for the magazine will be released on July 1. SO again, if you're in the Charlotte area, pick it up.

The newsletter will be released on June 15 and you can sign up to receive it here

Dave from Donkey Punch also has a local magazine out now to promote the Charlotte area's music scene. The magazine is called Amps11 and the first issue was released earlier this month.

To celebrate, they are throwing a huge bash at The Room with live music by Poprocket, In-V, Virginia Reel & Truckstop Preachers. So, This is your chance to get out and support the local music scene, meet the magazine staff, and listen to some of CharlotteÂ’s freshest, hottest, bands. Best of all is that itÂ’s absolutely FREE and if you look really good, you might even have the chance to meet ME!

I have exactly one week before my promotion takes effect.Beginningng June 20, I will officially begin my new job in the client services department as a salaried employee. WHOOHOO! Between the magazine and my new job my hands are full. But as if that's not enough, Felicia and I joined Bally because I am a fat fuck! We had our first trainer session with Adam. He's our trainer, he's actually pretty cool and helpful. Next visit with him he is going to give me a meal plan, targets and a full personalize something or other plan.... To start with, my target is to get from 232lbs (YES< I KNOW I AM FAT, OK?!?!!) to 219lbs. He said this was pretty extreme but whatever I could do would benefit me. I really want to lose the weight and all because I want to be healthy for the girls. I get winded when I am playing with them for a significatn amount of time or when I am trying to carry them when we are out. My wieght is getting WAY out of hand. Felicia has a measley 7 lbs to lose before she moves on to the muscle toning stage of the training... damns you skinny peoples! damns you straing to heck!

ok, that's it

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