Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Last weekend I pissed off Felicia and I spent the rest of the day apologizing and making up for my mistake. ALL DAY LONG... Like I always do when I piss her off... I apologize and try to make up for it any which way I can.

Last night it was her turn, she pissed me off. That was at about 9:00 pm last night... it is 1:33 pm today and as of right now, not a single apology, not a word, not even the slightest attempt to talk about it, make up for it, apologize or anything. She has not even spoken to me since. You would think she was the one pissed off at me. I feel like she's telling me you're the once pissed off, you get over it, you deal with it, it's your fucking problem. I am not doing anything about it!

The problem wasn't even that big, but now, after how she has been acting it has become something blown out of proportion and has made me feel like shit because obviously I don't deserve a fucking apology. Well fuck that! next time I piss her off, it's her problem, she has to get over it, she has to deal with it, it's her problem... I will not make any fucking attempt to apologize or make it up to her...

that is just fucking bullshit.

bye, I vented now!!

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