Thursday, September 24, 2009


Before the girls were born the only other thing that received as much TLC as they do now were my books. I have an odd fascinations with books. As long as I can remember all my books, within a day of purchase, get branded with a book plate.

I've always found book plates to be the most impersonal personalizing items I've ever seen. A few moths back I somehow ended up with tons of 2x4 adhesive label sheets. I had the idea to begin doing my own book plates but never actually got around to it.

Today I did my first and I was rather happy with it. Granted, the color pencils I used were not of the best quality so I had to work with what I had, Loew-Cornell's Green Art colored pencils.

Here is the end result:

Things of note/learned from this one:

1)I SUCK AT CALLIGRAPHY. Get a calligraphy pen and learn how to freehand it.
2)Do not use charcoal pencil outlines with regular colored pencils
3)On charcoal pencils, "H" means Hardness and "B" means blackness (yes, I did NOT know that).
4)I SUCK AT BLENDING COLORS. Despite the use of a tortillon the blending looks shitty.
5)A black colored pencil works better for soft outlines than regular No.2 or charcoal pencils.

Well, I am gonna try another one with markers.

1 comment:

Lew Jaffe said...

I think you made a rather nice bookplate.
Lew Jaffe